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For a long time Ashtabula, the tennis coach of Lakeisde, has received coaching after 56 years Local sports


After driving for 56 years, Bob Walters realized it was time to retire.

Longtime Ashtabula and Lakeside tennis coach was honored with a plaque-followed school’s 56-game tennis marathon on LHS on Thursday.

Walters, who entered the Ohio Tennis Coaches Association’s Hall of Fame earlier this year, was humiliated by the plaque presented by Lakeside athletic director Jason Baxter.

I realize how blessed I was with so many children to work with, Walters said.

Walters said he still coaches, but has faced shoulder and knee problems.

He will now watch assistant coach Clark Hewitt, who heads the girls’ program in the fall when there is a tennis season.

I support them badly, Walters said. Coach Hewitt is more than good at that.

The impact Walters has had on his tennis and basketball players over the years is long lasting for the many athletes he coached.

Coach got me started, said Kayla Johnston, a tennis player and graduate of Lakeside 2014. He has a fondness for the game and every point you can get is kind of a life lesson. In high school, I wasn’t sure I wanted to play, but he certainly raised me up. He helped with the mental game.

Johnston went to play for Mount Union and graduated in 2018. She currently attends school in Youngstown State and assists with the St. John tennis program.

Kait Toth, who is a senior for the Dragons tennis team this year, said Walters Influence is used on and off the pitch.

The cornerstone of his program is respect and being a family, Toth said. It shaped the way we interact with other teams and players.

Walters said he would keep busy during his retirement and visit family in and outside the county.

Walters, a 1959 graduate of former Ashtabula High School and a standout basketball player at Baldwin-Wallace College, returned to his alma mater in 1964 to begin a career as a health and physical education teacher and coach.

The 56-race marathon took place on the LHS courses from Monday to Thursday.

It is the most important fundraiser for tennis programs of the year. Funds will be used to provide equipment and equipment for the athletes.

Prior to the event, past and current athletes collected pledges from family, friends, and anyone interested in supporting the Dragon tennis team. During the marathon, all athletes were encouraged to play 56 games in a few days.

The amount of the contribution was determined by the promise and the number of games played. There are also options for flat donations and online fundraising. Commitments and contributions will be made on July 30.

We know he put all that dedication and wanted to celebrate the years and continue to help the program, said Maureen Surbella, a former tennis player and event organizer. We want to continue the love of sports, sportsmanship and commitment to high school athletics. Many other parents played a role in this.

Hewitt said the number of participants ranged from 12 to 20 every day, with a high of 20 on Thursday.

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