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Cricket comes to the coast


The seeds for growing coastal cricket were sown last fall during a game of bocce at a Sunshine Coast Hospice Society fundraiser.

Sunny Perera and Keith Brind, both hospice volunteers, were paired to play against two others. Unknown to each other, both were cricket enthusiasts, and the conversation soon came to that game.

I tend to dream big, Perera said. I have always wanted to introduce cricket to the coast, arouse interest in the game of youth on the coast, and hopefully someday have some players on our national team.

Brind wholeheartedly agreed with him and the two decided to give it a try.

Our goal was to play cricket with anyone who wanted to try it, just to make the general public aware of the game. It was a long shot and we knew it, Brind said. But we were willing to give it a try.

It takes a minimum of 22 players to form two teams, and even half of those teams seemed like an impossible task in a community where most people think cricket is an insect that squeaks at night.

Initially, it was mostly retired expats from Commonwealth countries who signed up to play, trying to relive the passion of a game they loved so much in their youth.

In January of this year, more and more people who had never played the game started signing up.

Brind made sure the Davis Bay Elementary School gym was used one night a week in February and March and under the supervision of Tom Grant, one of the players who offered to coach, a rigorous training program was put in place to keep the newcomers in shape to get.

In early March, we were still a few short on the magic number of 22, but I was confident that we would have two full teams in early May, and we did, Perera said.

On May 3, the Sunshine Coast Cricketers were ready for their inaugural game at Shirley Macey Field in West Howe Sound, followed by regular games, weather permitting, every Sunday afternoon through late August.

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic was hit and the fields closed.

When the fields reopened last weekend, the Coast Cricketers wasted no time returning to their practice sessions.

The turnout was not as expected, but a big surprise was the presence of three young players who really took part in the game and hopefully will be the pioneers of a soon-to-be-formed youth cricket league.

Under Grant’s guidance, training for the youth and adults new to the sport begins during practice sessions at Shirley Macey and Hackett Park in Sechelt every Sunday and Wednesday from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

The Coast Cricketers currently have two softball cricket teams, but Grant is also working to form a hardball team that can play league games against teams in West Vancouver, North Vancouver and Kitsilano beginning in the spring of 2021.

From what I’ve seen during the practice sessions, we’ll have a formidable hardball cricket team that will challenge any opposition. Grant has a lot of enthusiasm and energy and we are a good team in organizing all of these activities, Perera said.

Anyone interested in joining the Sunshine Coast Cricketers can contact Sunny Perera at 604-740-3888, Tom Grant at 604-696-0659 or Keith Brind at 604-886-4738.


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