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Mookie Betts takes a knee before Dodger’s opener


Los Angeles Dodgers star Mookie Betts joined several rival players San Francisco Giants when taking a knee during the national anthem. “data-reactid =” 16 “> The Major League Baseball season kicked off on Thursday night with a powerful message when Los Angeles Dodgers star Mookie Betts teamed up with several rival San Francisco Giants players during the national anthem.

Max Muncy and Cody Bellinger were seen putting their hands on his shoulders as a token of support. Betts also received support on Twitter from Alex Cora, his former manager at the Boston Red Sox. “data-reactid =” 23 “> Betts, who signed a $ 365 million 12-year extension on Wednesday, will be the biggest MLB star to get a knee. Teammates Max Muncy and Cody Bellinger saw their hands on his shoulders Betts also received support on Twitter from Alex Cora, his former manager at the Boston Red Sox.

Giants kneel again

Mike Yastrzemski,Austin Slater,Jaylin Davis and Antoan Richardson, along with manager Gabe Kapler, took a knee before Monday’s game against Oakland Athletics. That group grew to nearly a dozen players, coaches and staff members on Thursday. “Data-reactid =” 27 “> The giants have been at the forefront of MLB demonstrations in support of racial and social justice. Mike Yastrzemski, Austin Slater, Jaylin Davis and Antoan Richardson, along with manager Gabe Kapler, took on the exhibition game against Knee Oakland Athletics on Monday and that group grew to nearly a dozen players, coaches and staffers on Thursday.

Kapler, who became the first manager to kneel, told an in-game interview with ESPN what the moment meant for him.

“Yes, it was a very important association … on both sides. I think we felt a sense of calm in the margins at the time and it was really good to be with players who were so committed to changing the current state of systemic racism in our country. It was really powerful to see the actions and steps taken today by Major League Baseball, by the players ‘alliance, the players’ association. All those involved have done a great job. “

League-wide demonstrations

Nationals season opener. Players for both teams all knelt along the foul lines while holding a 200m black ribbon. The act of unity took place during a moment of silence that followed a video narrated by actor Morgan Freeman. “Data-reactid =” 34 “> Other demonstrations are also planned for MLB’s opening weekend, which started before the New York Yankees-Washington Nationals season opener. Players for both teams all knelt along the dirty lines while holding a 200-meter black ribbon The act of unity took place during a moment of silence that followed a video narrated by actor Morgan Freeman.

Each player then stood when the national anthem was played.

All four teams that played on Thursday evening were also seen wearing Black Lives Matters T-shirts for their respective games.

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