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TENNIS BOYS: With Mauros' departure, Southington hands over to Wolcott's plaid coach


SOUTHINGTON Steven Jasulavic has accumulated a record of 271-74 as a male tennis coach for 19 years at Wolcott High School.

His teams have amassed six undefeated seasons and eight Naugatuck Valley League titles, five of which have been in a row.

The numbers, however, are not what interests him. His sports education.

In this regard, Jasulavic will have a new class each time spring sports are authorized. He was hired to succeed Tony Mauro as the Southington boys' tennis coach.

"We are delighted that Steven is joining us with extensive experience as a high school tennis coach and we look forward to coaching him with the Blue Knights this spring," said Southington sporting director Steve. Risser.

Jasulavic is a professor of biology at his native high school in Wolcott. He lives in Southington with his wife Diane and their children Devon and Leah.

He was the tennis coach of the year for the Connecticut High School Coaches Association in 2015.

It is hard to have conversations about my accomplishments, I am there in a service for children, said Jasulavic. I haven't touched a significant ball in 20 years. All this concerns children.

Jasulavics' coaching career started right out of college, when he was hired to teach his alma mater and took over tennis coach asboys.

His style? Work with what their players bring to the field.

I believe it is important to create the best of each player based on their strengths and weaknesses, said Jasulavic. I want them to play their way and I make them the best player possible.

I think there are many ways to win a tennis match, he added. The team doesn't need to be filled with players who play the way I want them to play. I see this as a teaching. Each student is different and I bring that to a tennis match. I want to refine my strength and have fun. You cannot lose sight of the fact that these are high school sports.

Shortly after securing the position of Southington, Jasulavic was invited to the Mauros house and obtained a glimpse of the personnel returning from his predecessor.

He has passed the torch and I am grateful, Jasulavic said. I know he has a passion for tennis and I know he has succeeded. I hope to continue this.

Risser noted that Mauro, who had resigned at 88 for health reasons, was involved in the search for his replacement.

We want to thank Tony, said Risser. We love Tony for what he has done for male student tennis athletes.

Southington is coming out of a series of quality seasons as she fights in CCC's hyper-competitive western division. The Blue Knights regularly rack up a record that qualifies all of their novice singles and doubles players for the State LL class tournament.

Jasulavic sees this, as well as the big picture.

I love getting involved with the kids, said the new coach. Coaching is like teaching. If you can make it a positive experience, it will be a lifetime memory. It is more important than winning a point or a game. This is what excites me.

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