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Provisional table tennis squad named for the 2024 African Games

Provisional table tennis squad named for the 2024 African Games
Provisional table tennis squad named for the 2024 African Games


Fahd Daim, Secretary General of the Kenya Table Tennis Association (KTTA), stressed the importance of adhering to the Ministry of Sports guidelines which mandate the inclusion of at least one junior player.

Kenyan table tennis enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting the upcoming 2024 Africa Games in Ghana, and the excitement is palpable as the provisional national team of 18 players has been officially announced well ahead of the tournament.

The selection process, which included extensive National Trials with a diverse mix of talented male and female players, as well as promising junior athletes, has culminated in the confirmation of the preliminary selection. With 9 men and 9 women securing their places after rigorous testing at Kenyatta University and Oshwal Sports Complex in Nairobi, the team is ready to showcase Kenya's prowess on the continental stage.

Fahd Daim, Secretary General of the Kenya Table Tennis Association (KTTA), stressed the importance of adhering to the Ministry of Sports guidelines which mandate the inclusion of at least one junior player in each category. After fierce competition between the top 16 players in both the men's and women's categories, the final selection of the top 8 players was made, who formed the core of the preliminary team.

Among the rising stars set to make their mark are Abdul Anab and Sifa Nafula, both juniors aged 11 and 9 respectively, who will join their senior colleagues in the men's and women's categories. Their participation underlines Kenya's commitment to nurturing young talent and ensuring a sustainable future for the sport.

At the forefront of the senior team are standout performers such as Lisa Wele and Brian Mutua, who emerged as top contenders during the trials. Notably absent from the women's team was Mary Kinuthia, who barely managed to secure a place in the top 8 finalists.

One of the most promising newcomers is Emmanuel Wanjala, a rising star from St. Joseph's Form Three, whose impressive debut performance earned him a spot in the national team. Despite his humble beginnings, Wanjala's determination and skill have propelled him to the forefront of the sport.

Veteran Doreen Juma also made a triumphant return to competitive play, showing her resilience and talent after a period away. Her comeback is a testament to the enduring spirit of the Kenyan table tennis community.

As the team follows a rigorous training regime in preparation for the African Games, expectations are high for a successful performance in Ghana. With dreams of Olympic qualification on the horizon, players like Mutua are determined to give it their all and seize the opportunity to represent Kenya on the world stage.

With badminton, cycling, swimming, tennis and more serving as qualifying tournaments for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, the African Games provide a crucial opportunity for Kenyan table tennis stars to shine and make their mark on the international stage.

The 18 players selected to represent Kenya are as follows:


  1. Brian Mutua
  2. Peter Theuri
  3. Josiah Wandera
  4. Emmanuel Wanjala
  5. Boniface Musioki
  6. Allan Singer
  7. Edwin Otieno
  8. Basil guilt
  9. Abdul Anab (Junior, 11 years old)


  1. Lisa Wele
  2. Doreen Juma
  3. Nelly Mutuma
  4. Pamela Wekesa
  5. Lydia Setey
  6. I love Becky
  7. Khushi Malde
  8. Joy Nyokabi
  9. Sifa Nafula (Junior, 9 years old)




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