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Jasprit Bumrah released from Indian squad; KL Rahul ruled out of 4th England Test | Cricket

Jasprit Bumrah released from Indian squad;  KL Rahul ruled out of 4th England Test |  Cricket
Jasprit Bumrah released from Indian squad;  KL Rahul ruled out of 4th England Test |  Cricket


India's vice-captain Jasprit Bumrah has been released from the Test squad ahead of the fourth match against Ben Stokes' England, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) confirmed on Tuesday. The BCCI has also revealed that wicketkeeper-batsman KL Rahul has been ruled out of the 4th Test of the five-match series. Rahul's participation in the final Test match in Dharamsala is subject to eligibility. Pacer Mukesh Kumar, who was released from the squad for the third Test in Rajkot, has joined the team in Ranchi and is likely to replace Bumrah, the highest wicket-taker of the series with 17 scalps, in the Playing XI.

Indian captain Rohit Sharma celebrates with Ravindra Jadeja, Jasprit Bumrah and others after winning the match (PTI)
Indian captain Rohit Sharma celebrates with Ravindra Jadeja, Jasprit Bumrah and others after winning the match (PTI)

While KS Bharat kept the wicket for Rohit Sharma's Team India in Hyderabad, Rahul was added to the Indian XI as a leading batsman for the series opener. Rahul scored 86 off 123 balls in the first Test against England's Bazeballers at the Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium. Former India vice-captain Rahul was unavailable for the second Test due to a quadriceps strain. Rahul was subsequently ruled out of the third Test against England after reaching just 90 percent match fitness.

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Rahul continues to recover

Rahul will continue his recovery at the National Cricket Academy (NCA) in Bengaluru. Hosts India will also be without former captain Virat Kohli for the remainder of the five-match Test series. Even though India missed the services of Rahul and Kohli in Rajkot, the depleted Indian squad showed their strength to surpass England. Veteran spinner Ravichandran Ashwin took his 500th Test wicket, while youngsters Sarfaraz Khan and Dhruv Jurel earned plaudits with impressive debuts for the hosts in Rajkot.

How India secured Stokes' 100th Test celebration

Sarfaraz earned his first Test cap after another stellar season in the domestic arena, announcing himself with a brilliant knock of 62 off 66 balls. The Mumbai batsman teamed up with opener Yashasvi Jaiswal in the second innings to help Team India post a 430-4d in 98 overs. Jaiswal's sublime double century paved the way for India to set an improbable target of 557 for England.

Bumrah-less India wants to seal series in Ranchi

Local hero Jadeja, who scored a fine century in the first innings, took a match-winning five-wicket haul in England's second essay. Thanks to the heroics of Jadeja and Jaiswal, India crushed England by 434 runs in the third Test. After registering the biggest win in Test history, India will host England for the penultimate encounter of the series at Ranchi's SCA International Stadium Complex on Friday.

India's updated squad for the 4th Test against England: Rohit Sharma (Captain), Yashasvi Jaiswal, Shubman Gill, Rajat Patidar, Sarfaraz Khan, Dhruv Jurel (Wicketkeeper), KS Bharat (Wicketkeeper), Devdutt Padikkal, Ravichandran Ashwin, Ravindra Jadeja, Axar Patel, Washington Sundar, Kuldeep Yadav, Mohammed Siraj , Mukesh Kumar, Akash Deep.




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