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Athlete of the Week: 10 questions with Jack Savino, hockey from New Trier

Athlete of the Week: 10 questions with Jack Savino, hockey from New Trier



Jack Savino is a senior defender for New Trier Green. He was selected to the All-State team and helped Green to a state championship victory on March 13.

1. Do you have any pregame rituals or superstitions?

I have a few. I used to have to eat the same meal before every game, but then I got injured and took that away. I try to take a nap before every match, but that doesn't always work.

2. What are your plans for next year?

I'm going to Miami or Ohio. It was between there and Boulder (Colorado) and has been that way since I was 12 years old. One of my older sisters went to Boulder and one to Miami. I visited them both a few times and ultimately decided that Miami was a better fit for me. I love Oxford (Ohio) and the school is beautiful and has great resources.

3. What is your favorite activity off the ice?

Hang out with friends family. I am a very social person and like to be active and outdoors.

4. Who is your favorite athlete?

It used to be Cristiano Ronaldo and when I was younger I quickly switched to Duncan Keith (Chicago Blackhawks retired). I also started to like Patrick Shaw (retired from Chicago Blackhawks) because I like how aggressive he was.

5. If you could play any other sport, what would it be?

Football. 100 percent. I think it's such a fun sport. Friday night lights and everything I think is so cool. Football is very physical and I am a fan of physical sports.

6. What would your last meal be?

Something that probably involves chicken. I'm a big chicken guy.

7. When you find yourself in Walgreens with a few dollars, what do you buy?

A large Smart Water that can keep me busy all day long. Trying to get my gallon a day.

8. What don't people know about you?

I recently revealed to everyone I know that I can juggle. And I'm actually quite good at drawing. That's my hidden talent. I'm a pretty good sketcher. Just random stuff. I like to draw mountains. That's probably what I'm best at.

9. What do you like about hockey?

I find the consistent pace of the game so intriguing. I think there's nothing better than being able to play a sport where you can skate at 24 miles per hour and run into a guy at full speed and you get props for that. It's not easy to score, the feeling of making a good pass, and the locker room has to be one of the best parts of hockey. Getting to know guys in 20 minute increments, getting to know a group of guys that I would also get to know. I don't know outside of hockey.

10. How does it feel to finish high school with a state championship?

It feels surreal. There is no better feeling in the world. It's such a long season, just to be rewarded like this at the end of the season, there's no better feeling. It really shows how much hard you've worked all year.

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