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England T20 selectors face headaches after Jamie Overton's back injury | England cricket team

England T20 selectors face headaches after Jamie Overton's back injury |  England cricket team


England have seen their T20 World Cup squad complicated by Jamie Overton's back injury and now face a two-week wait to discover the full extent of the all-rounder's problem.

Although there is no cap in T20 internationals, Surrey's Overton is said to have been lined up as a wildcard for England's title defense in the Caribbean and the US in June. It follows strong form in franchise cricket and the withdrawal of Ben Stokes from the squad.

But the 30-year-old's prospects now hang in the balance after scans on a recent back injury, which ruled him out of last week's Championship match in Kent, proved inconclusive. Overton, who has suffered from lower back stress fractures in the past, has been told to rest for a fortnight before further tests are carried out.

Rob Key and his selection panel will name a provisional 15-man squad for next week's World Cup, a squad likely to mirror the four-match squad at home to Pakistan at the end of next month. Their final selection must be submitted by May 25, the same day as the second of those competitions.

Although he is a 6ft 4in fast bowler, Overton has attracted attention as a dangerous six-hitter in the lower order over the past year. He played last summer's T20 Blast as a batsman while recovering from a lower back stress fracture, before crashing 202 runs at a strike rate of 181.98 for Manchester Originals and being named MVP of the Men's Hundred.

This dual role was further investigated during the winter. He finished as the leading wicket-taker for Adelaide Strikers in the Big Bash League (taking 16 wickets as he honed his craft as a death bowler before a spell with Gulf Giants in the ILT20 with an explosive 18-ball 41 against eventual winners MI Emirates ).

Overton's skill with the bat has been seen at international level before with his solitary Test cap against New Zealand in 2022, with a match-changing 97 against No. 8. But the detection of that initial stress fracture might have seen him in last year's Ashes can occur in the summer. series.

Other possible contenders for the World Cup squad include spinners Rehan Ahmed and Tom Hartley, while England are also hopeful Jofra Archer can prove his fitness against Pakistan after a two-year injury layoff.

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That series is England's only pre-World Cup cricket but overlaps with the Indian Premier League play-offs that start on May 22 and run until May 26. England will soon decide whether relevant players, for example Phil Salt, at second-placed Kolkata Knight Riders can complete the tournament or return home.




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