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The Colorado Sports Betting Handle is $593 million in March

The Colorado Sports Betting Handle is $593 million in March

This was reported by the Colorado Division of Gaming $593 million in March sports betting on Tuesday, continuing the Centennial State's strong year-over-year growth for the first quarter of 2024.

It was the fourth-highest total in 47 months of betting and 20% higher than March 2023. Colorado has surpassed the half-billion-dollar mark in seven straight months, the longest streak in state history.

Operators had a solid month, posting a 7.6% hold to claim $45 million in gross sports betting revenue. That ranked sixth in state history and marked the eighth time $40 million has been won. The state was able to raise taxes on $31.6 million in adjusted gross revenues, resulting in an inflow of $2.9 million into state coffers.

Sales decreased 1.9% compared to March 2023, as last year's sales were 1.7 percentage points higher. However, first-three-month profits rose 19.5% to $124.3 million, and revenues of $1.73 billion represented a 17.7% increase year-over-year.

The state has collected $8.2 million in taxes so far, which is $1.3 million more than last year through the first three months.

Basketball proves a big draw in March

In March, the Denver Nuggets put themselves in prime position to defend their NBA title and the Colorado Buffaloes reached the second round of the NCAA tournament, a move that proved worth a bet or two for gamblers in the state. Basketball betting accounted for almost 60% of total revenue, with professional basketball reaching a monthly record of $299 million.

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Operators generated $17 million in revenue from these bets, with the 5.7% being the highest of the season since hitting a 7% win rate in March 2023. The College Hoops deal totaled $36.3 million, an increase of 43.9% from February, while the $1.9 million in gains resulted in a 5.2% ownership.

Parlays and same-game parlays generated the bulk of revenue for Colorado operators, who won $18.8 million on the multi-leg bets. The house had a 15% ownership on $125.4 million in such bets, slightly below this year's 15.2% winning percentage.

Table tennis reached monthly record highs for turnover and traction. The niche sport that is wildly popular with betting in Colorado earned operators nearly $1.1 million in revenue in March, eclipsing the previous record set last September by $30,000. The $14.1 million stakes placed erased the short-lived $12.6 million standard set in February.

The house once again performed well in standard tennis, generating $2.1 million in revenue from $29.3 million in revenue while topping the industry standard of 7% for the 20th month in a row. Operators achieved a 12.2% win rate on tennis bets in the first quarter, with the $13.2 million in winnings almost half of the $27.5 million claimed in all of 2023.

On the other hand, bettors won $973,732 on top of their $6.2 million in golf bets for March. It was the largest monthly loss reported by operators for golf betting, with a previous high payout of $713,761 in July 2022.

The Division of Gaming does not disclose revenue and revenue figures by operator, although the hold on bets placed through sports betting apps was 7.6%. Mobile sportsbooks claimed $44.9 million in gross revenue from $589.3 million in wagers, while their retail counterparts finished with a 4.4% share of winning $165,800 from $3.7 million in bets.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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