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Hannibal organizes a very competitive tennis tournament


Posted: August 5, 2020 1:03 PM Updated: August 5, 2020 1:06 PM

HANNIBAL | Last weekend, players from four different states came to the Hannibal Open Tennis Tournament on the tennis courts at Hannibal High School in ideal weather conditions.

A total of 44 players, ranging from 11 to 72 years old, participated in the Hannibal Open Tennis Tournament. Players came from Missouri, Illinois, Iowa and Arizona to participate in the tournament.

“Everyone who participated in the tournament had a good time,” said tournament organizer Chris Leonard. “There were many very competitive matches, thanks in part to the great weather of the weekend. People have been at home for so long, most of them were just happy to go out and play tennis. ‘

Tournament organizers made sure to take extra precautions to protect all players, referees and staff.

“We did our best to meet the guidelines I got from the USTA, including social distance, monitoring player temperatures, making hand disinfection available to anyone who wanted it, and banning match play on adjacent courts,” Leonard said. “I am sure everyone recognized that we have taken additional security measures that you normally do not see to protect the health of all participants.”

In the boys’ doubles division, Quincy Notre Dame partners Andrew Catalpa and Caleb Hoffman defeated Keokuk duo Patrick Morgan and Isaac Steinkamp in two sets to take first place.

There were some good games in the girls’ doubles division in the early rounds. The Hannibal duo of Emma Haner and Irelan Lomax defeated Palmyra partners Kaitlyn Rindom and Blaize Bross in two sets to take first place.

The girls double the consolation finale between two sets of Palmyra teammates. Sisters Molly Gottman and Maura Gottman defeated fellow Palmyra classmates Emmalee Drebes and Abbey Mann in two sets to take home the bronze medals.

The men’s doubles final was a matter for Hannibal, as Leonard and Bob Mitchell defeated Rusty Crane and Bhagirath Katbamna in two sets to take first place. In the consolation final, the Hannibal defeated father-son duo John Johnston and John Johnston Jr. Mike O’Neal from Quincy and Skip Wilson from Arizona in two sets.

In the mixed doubles final, Johnston and Calah Brown defeated Hannibal Catalpa and Rindom in three sets. The mixed medal for consolation in the doubles was won by Jesse Henoch and Sady Haner.

All proceeds from the event, including entrance fees and donations, will be used to support the Hannibal High School girls ‘and boys’ tennis teams. Nearly $ 2,200 was raised to support the two tennis programs for the 2020-21 school year.

Plans are underway to make the Hannibal Open Tennis Tournament an annual fundraising event to support Hannibal High School’s tennis programs in the future.

“Hannibal High School and the tournament officials would like to thank everyone who participated in the tournament or made donations,” said Leonard. Special thanks to Rusty Crane, Dr. Cassidy Leonard-Scott and Brian Scott, as well as the Continental Cement Company for their generous donations. ”

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