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Green light for certain hockey competitions?


BUFFALO, NY (WBEN) The reopening directives of the States of New York cover a wide variety of sports and recreational activities. However, there is still confusion as to why some activities are allowed but others are not.

According to the guidelinesHigh-risk sports such as ice hockey are allowed, although it can only include individual or distance training for groups and there can be no pick-up or league matches.

Sports considered a moderate risk, such as flag football and hockey, may have matches as part of organized competitions.

New York has no guidelines for hockey leagues and indoor hockey leagues. There are some places, such as Frank Young’s Sports Arena in Orchard Park, that have already started organized competitions.

We keep disinfectant and masks are worn whenever possible, owner Frank Young said. Teams not scheduled to play must wait outside until their time is available.

Other leagues are active, including WNY Roller Hockey at the Northtown Center in Amherst. Eric Haak, owner of WNY Roller Hockey, said he doesn’t consider hockey a high-risk activity like ice hockey.

I find the mask policy absolutely absurd, he said. You enter a restaurant and must wear a mask. You sit down at the table and the virus takes a break and stops attacking you. I just don’t understand the whole concept. If you want to wear a mask, wear a mask, if you don’t want to wear a mask, don’t wear a mask.

Despite his personal reservations about the mask policy, Haak said the competition suggests mask use. Most people who play in their roller hockey games don’t wear masks, according to Haak.

He said he is not concerned about contracting coronavirus, but is concerned about a possible government shutdown.

For whatever reason, our governor really wants to stick to certain people and certain fields and industries, he said. That is definitely a bigger concern of mine.

Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul had doubts about floor hockey on Wednesday when asked about the subject.

I know that roller tracks are not (allowed), Hochul said.

According to the state, roller skating rinks are a place of public entertainment and remain closed under board orders.

Bowling alleys and their competitions still cannot operate under the state restrictions. Hochul defended the policy because people would be close to each other and possibly share bowling balls.

The enforcement of state rules is carried out by local health departments. Erie County Health Commissioner Dr. Gale Burstein indicated that indoor hockey leagues will be able to operate, citing the 11 Day Power Play as an example of an event to take place.

Their protocols were good, Burstein said of the 11 Day Power Play. The only concern we actually had was with spectator gatherings. Usually with sporting events, two spectators per player are allowed. However, with an event like this where there will be a lot of players and a high lead time with different teams, they have reassured us with our protocols that they will have less than 50 spectators per game.

Young and Haak said that no spectators are allowed for their respective games. Haak said there are only 12 people playing at a time.

From our point of view, we don’t want to be shut down, Haak said. We follow the protocol as best we can. We tell people to come to the game and not bring your girlfriend or husband or boyfriend. We try to limit traffic for the most part.

Haak also pointed out another problem. He runs an ice hockey camp where 25 people can go on the ice rink. He is still allowed to run the camp under New York State guidelines, although he cannot conduct a real hockey game with 12 people.

I just don’t understand how that makes sense, he said.

Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz said that if bars and roller tracks have not filed a reopening plan with New York State, they cannot reopen.

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