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This is where Rutgers football landed in ESPN's post-spring rankings after its breakout season

This is where Rutgers football landed in ESPN's post-spring rankings after its breakout season


After putting together a breakout season on the field last fall, Rutgers football has made a jump in the computer numbers this spring.

After their first winning season and bowl game victory in nine years, the Scarlet Knights made a significant leap which

Rutgers ranks 49th nationally by the metric, which weighs returning production, recent recruiting and recent history. That's a 24th spot from the rankings following last spring's spring season, which saw the Scarlet Knights ranked 73rd nationally, and a jump of 11 spots from the 60th spot they ranked after the 2023 regular season .

Rutgers is ranked 13th out of 18 Big Ten teams in the latest rankings. The Scarlet Knights are ahead of Illinois (66), Purdue (72), Northwestern (74), Michigan State (82) and Indiana (85), but behind Ohio State (2), Oregon (3), Michigan (6), Penn State (7), USC (21), Iowa (22), UCLA (26), Wisconsin (27), Washington (35), Nebraska (40), Maryland (44) and Minnesota (45).

By the metric, Rutgers has the 92nd-ranked offense, 20th-ranked defense and 33rd-ranked special teams unit.

Rutgers dropped six places when it was 43rd nationally. This is mainly a result of the selection moves that have taken place in the sport over the past three months, including in Piscataway.

The Scarlet Knights lost two regular contributors in the team's starting quarterback Gavin Wimsatt and defensive lineman Rene Konga from last season in the spring transfer portal. They also added Ohio offensive lineman Shedrick Rhodes during that period.

According to ,the creator of the metricthe preseason rankings are

1. Return of production. The recurring production numbers are based on schedules that I have updated as much as possible to account for transfers and attrition. The combination of last year's SP+ ratings and adjustments based on recurring production makes up more than half of the forecast formula.

2. Recent recruitment. This piece informs us about the caliber of a team's potential replacements (and/or new stars) in the lineup. It is determined by the recruiting rankings from recent years in descending order (meaning the most recent class carries the most weight). This is also influenced by the recruiting rankings of incoming transfers, a recognition that the art of roster management is now heavily dictated by the transfer portal. This piece makes up about a third of the projection formula.

3. Recent history. Using a bit of information from the previous four seasons, we get a good sense of the overall health of the program. It stands to reason that a team that has played well for a year is less likely to duplicate that effort than a team that has been good for years (and vice versa), right?

(Another reminder: SP+ is a pace- and opponent-adjusted measure of college football efficiency. It is a predictive measure of the most sustainable and predictable aspects of football, not a resume ranking, and these projections are not intended in that sense to Let you guess what the AP Top 25 will look like at the end of the season. These are just early offseason power rankings, based on the information we've been able to gather so far.)

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Brian Fonseca can be reached at [email protected].




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