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Jay Shah clarifies after Langer, Ponting says: Neither I nor BCCI have approached an ex-Australian cricketer with a coaching offer | Cricket news

Jay Shah clarifies after Langer, Ponting says: Neither I nor BCCI have approached an ex-Australian cricketer with a coaching offer |  Cricket news


A day after Justin Langer revealed that he turned down the opportunity to coach the Indian men's cricket team after being approached by people from the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), BCCI secretary Jay Shah clarified that no one from BCCI had approached ” Any former Australian cricketer with a coaching offer”.

Not only Langer, who is currently with the Lucknow Super Giants, but Australian cricket legend Ricky Ponting, who helms the Delhi Capitals team, also revealed that he had held talks about joining the Indian cricket team but had declined.

Neither I nor the BCCI have approached any former Australian cricketer with a coaching offer. The reports circulating in certain media sections are completely false,” BCCI Secretary Jay Shah said in a statement. Finding the right coach for our national team is a painstaking and thorough process. We are focused on identifying individuals who have a deep understanding of the Indian cricket structure and who have risen through the ranks. It is vital that our coach has an in-depth understanding of our domestic cricket framework to truly take Team India to the next level.

Shah added: “When we talk about international cricket, no role is more prestigious than that of head coach of the Indian cricket team. Team India has the largest fan base in the world and enjoys unparalleled support. Our rich history and passion for the game make this one of the most lucrative courses in the world. The role requires a high level of professionalism as you will have to nurture some of the best cricketers in the world and follow an assembly line of talented cricketers. It is a tremendous honor to cater to the aspirations of a billion fans and the BCCI will choose the right candidate, who is capable of taking Indian cricket forward.

Langer had told the BBC's Stumped podcast that a conversation with LSG skipper KL Rahul had led to him rejecting India's offer. “I spoke to KL Rahul [the captain at Lucknow Super Giants, where Langer is the head coach] and he said, 'You know, if you think there's pressure and politics in an IPL team, multiply that by a thousand.' [thats] coaching India. That was good advice, I think, Langer said.

Festive offer

Meanwhile, Ponting had told ICC that he had rejected India's offer as it did not suit his lifestyle at the moment.

Being a national coach is a job for ten or eleven months a year, and as much as I would love to do it, it just doesn't fit into my lifestyle at the moment and the things I really enjoy doing, Ponting had said.

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