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Virginia Athletics | UVA is co-leader at NCAA Championships after Round 1

Virginia Athletics |  UVA is co-leader at NCAA Championships after Round 1


CARLSBAD, California. The ninth-ranked Virginia men's golf team is the co-leader at the NCAA Championships after Friday's opening round. The Cavaliers and Arizona both shot 2-over 290 on the Omni La Costa Resorts North Course to share first place on the leaderboard.

Senior George Duangmanee (Fairfax, Virginia) led UVA with a score of 1-under 71. From the 10th tee, he posted 15 pars while picking up birdies on holes 18 and one. He suffered one bogey on the 16th hole. Duangmanee, one of only twelve players to score under par, finished the round in a tie for eighth place.

Playing off the fairway was a big part of that because you could put some spin on it with the firm greens, Duangmanee said. It also made the difference today just by hitting the fairways. You can also judge the jumps in the greens, for example when you go with the wind.

Duangmanee's younger brother Josh, a freshman, even shot a par 72 and finished the round in 13th place. His round included five birdies and five bogeys. Cavalier All-American Ben James shot 1-over 73 and ranked 25th. His score included a one-stroke penalty for a game tempo. Deven Patel posted UVA's final score, shooting 2-over 74 and ranked 41st. Bryan Lees shot 75 and is ranked 63rd.

They clearly played well, said Virginia head coach Bowen Sargent of his team. We talked about it last night and this morning. The start we had, (holes) 12-16 were some of the hardest holes on the course. We knew we would struggle and get something back on the back end. We got to 6 over early and then fought back and played great on the front nine. Tomorrow it should be milder, because the wind is not blowing so hard here.

We have to put the ball in the fairway, get it around the hole and take the opportunities when you get them. The par fives are crucial and you have to play well on the short holes. Everyone talks about it being a second shot golf course, but if you're not in the fairway it's hard to attack on the second shot. We have a great driving team and as long as we continue to do that we will be in a great position.

UVA will play the second round from the first tee on Saturday morning at 7:35 am. After Sunday's third round, the field will be reduced to 15 teams for the final round of stroke play. The top eight stroke play teams advance to the match play portion of the championships. Last season, UVA reached match play and was eliminated 3-2 in the quarterfinals by eventual NCAA champion Florida.

NCAA Championships
Omni La Costa Resort North Course
Carlsbad, California.
Par 72, 7,538 yards
First round results

Team results
1.Virginia 290

1. Arizona290
3. North Carolina 291
4. Georgia Tech 292
5.Illinois 293
5. Chestnut brown 293
7. Ohio State 294
8. Florida295
9. Texas296
9. State of East Tennessee 296
9. Notre Dame 296
12. Stanford-297
12. Baylor 297
15. Wakebos 298
15.Texas A&M 298
17. State of Florida 299
17. New Mexico 299
19. LSU301
19.Oklahoma 301
21. SMU 303
21. State of Oklahoma 303
23. California 304
24. Tennessee305
25. Clemson 306
25. Utah-306
27. North Florida 307
27. West Virginia 307
29. Texas Tech 309
30.Purdue 310

Individual leaders
1. Hiroshi Tai, Georgia Tech 67

2. Adam Wallin, Ohio State 68
3. Karl Vilips, Stanford 69
3. John DuBois, Florida 69

Virginia results
8. George Duangmanee 71

13. Josh Duangmanee 72
25. Ben James 73
41. Deven Patel 74
63. Brian Lee 75




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