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Alexander Zverev's assault allegations explained



As German tennis star Alexander Zverev prepares to take on 14-time French Open champion Rafael Nadal in the first round of the tournament on Monday, he is also facing assault allegations that culminate in a lawsuit this week, which he is appealing go.

Key facts

The 6-foot-2 Zverev, 27, is the fourth-ranked men's tennis player in singles and is considered one of the favorites in the tournament. He faces Nadal, 37, who has struggled to return from injuries and is ranked only 276.

Off the court, the 27-year-old's career has been marked by scandal: Zverev was accused in October 2023 lawsuit alleging physical abuse and damage to a woman's health during an argument in Berlin in May 2020, according to the lawsuit filed in Germany.

That woman was later identified as his ex-girlfriend Brenda Patea, a model and the mother of Zverev's daughter, and Zverev has denied the allegations.

Later in October, a German criminal court fined Zverev $488,000 (450,000 euros) over the charges (public prosecutors in German courts can seek criminal warrants if there is compelling evidence that does not require a trial, The Athletics And The guard reported).

Zverev appealed the order and took the challenge to the court in Berlin, calling it complete nonsense, while his lawyers described it as outrageous.

Patea has since made the allegations public. narrate German magazine Suddeutsche Zeitung in November that Zverev pushed her against a wall and then strangled her.

Zverev's trial in Berlin will begin on May 31, in the middle of the French Open, although he will not have to appear in court in person, at least initially. BBC reported, although in theory he could still be asked to attend later in the trial, a court spokesman said.

The trial is expected to last eight non-consecutive days, which could extend into mid-July. ESPN reported.

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This sexual assault case follows previous abuse allegations against Zverev by his ex-girlfriend Olya Sharypova, who accused the German star of punching her in the face and covering her face with a pillow, causing her to fear [her]

to live, Slate reported in 2021. Zverev denied these allegations and Sharypova did not go to the police with them, although they prompted a research by the Association of Tennis Professionals, the governing body of tennis tours, which found insufficient evidence to support the claims.

Main critics

In the wake of the allegations, Zverev faced public criticism after being elected to the ATP Advisory Board in January. American tennis star Sloane Stephens told reporters at the time, a women's star facing similar allegations would not have been elected to the WTA players' council, while Iga Swiatek, the No. 1 women's player, told reporters it is not good for a player facing such accusations to get some kind of promotion.

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Surprising fact

Zverev starred in an episode of Netflix's since-canceled docuseries Breaking point dedicated last year to his recovery from an ankle ligament tear and surgery that sidelined the German star for months. Controversial, the episode never mentioned the accusations against Zverev. The show was on cancelled in March.

What to pay attention to

Zverev faces Nadal, a fourteen-time French Open champion, in the first round of play at Roland Garros on Monday at 6 a.m. EST. Nadal, the 37-year-old Spaniard who has 92 singles titles to his name and holds the record as the winningest player in the men's singles competition at the French Open, entered the tournament unseeded after a series of injuries left him sidelined for months. He last won in 2022, beating Zverev in the semifinals, who tripped and injured his ankle so badly that he left the field in a wheelchair and was sidelined from the sport for months.

Large number

Over $2.6 million. That is the amount that the winner of the men's singles match at the French Open will take home as the top prize (approximately 2.4 million euros).

Important background

Zverev burst onto the international tennis scene as a 20-year-old in 2017, beating three-time French Open winner Novak Djokovic at the 2017 Italian Open and Swiss star Roger Federer at the Rogers Cup the same year. In 2018, he was named to Forbes Europe's 30 Under 30 in Entertainment, along with artist Dua Lipa, actress Millie Bobby Brown and actor Daniel Kaluuya. Zverev has since won gold at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics but has yet to win a grand slam title.

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