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Ping pong players tune in best to Paris

Ping pong players tune in best to Paris


Photographed by Yang Meiping. Edited by Yang Meiping. Subtitles by Yang Meiping.

With the Summer Olympics in Paris just 62 days away, a number of university students from China's Taiwan province had a ping-pong match with their peers in Shanghai and six world champions.

This included popular veteran players Wang Liqin and Xu Xin.

The friendship match involving eight teams from across the Taiwan Strait took place on Saturday at the Fok Ying Tung Sports Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in Minhang District.

Students cheered loudly as the six Chinese table tennis legends appeared. The other four are Xu Yinsheng, honorary president of the International Table Tennis Federation, Shi Zhihao, curator of the International Table Tennis Federation Museum and head of the Chinese Table Tennis College, Cao Yanhua, vice president of the Shanghai Table Tennis Association, and Ding Song, associate professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

All six former athletes are alumni of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Before the match, they practiced with a number of participants and presented each of the participating teams with a racket with all their signatures.

Shi and Xu opened the match at a table similar to the one that will be used during the Paris Olympics.

Hsu Po-hsiang, a master's student from Tamkang University, said he has played ping pong for more than a decade since his youth, adding that the champions, especially Wang Liqin and Xu Xin, are his idols.

“The mainland is a sacred table tennis land for us,” he said. “So when we heard there was an opportunity to come, we all signed up.

“I'm so excited and happy to see the world champions. I like them all,” he said. “They will be my precious memories.”

Chen Ching-yuan, from Tsing Hua University, said the trip was very rewarding as he played ping pong with his idol Xu Xin.

“He is known as a cloud walker and ping-pong artist for his excellent skills,” he said. “I was so nervous to play with him that I didn't manage to use my full strength. But the experience is already worth it, which I could show to my friends.”

The two teams from Shanghai Jiao Tong University took first and third places, and East China University of Science and Technology took second.

The event attracted more than 2,000 spectators.




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