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No. 11 Men's rowing completes day one of the IRA Championship

No.  11 Men's rowing completes day one of the IRA Championship


WEST WINDSOR, NJ On the first day of the 2024 IRA National Championship Regatta on Friday (May 31), Boston University's 11th-ranked men's rowing program sent all four crews to the upper semifinals in their respective entries.

All three Terrier eights finished in the top two of their heats to progress to the A/B semi-finals on Saturday (June 1). BU's Varsity 4 reached the A/B/C semifinals before advancing to the C finals in the afternoon.

Exceptional conditions greeted the paddlers all day, with sunny skies and temperatures rising into the 70s. In addition to flat water, there was negligible crosswind from port in the morning, although gusts reached 20 miles per hour with a light tailwind in the afternoon.

BU started the day with its Varsity 8, led by Emily Slawin and brushed over Ali El Sayed. The Terriers, in Lane 2, faced a test with Navy in Lane 5. As Harvard and Princeton battled for first place, BU built a full-length lead over the Midshipmen to a distance of 1,500 yards. Navy increased its speed from then on, but strong pressure from the Terrier crew helped BU finish third in 5:43.286, over seven seconds ahead of the Midshipmen.

The Terrier Second Varsity 8, driven by James Smith and brushed over Bowen de Gouw, locked in a tight battle with Syracuse and Stanford for second place. The Terriers jumped to second place behind California in the first half of the race. The Orange took control by a pair of seats with 500 meters to go, and the Cardinal gained momentum in the final quarter of the course, but BU finished strong in 5:53.529 to take third.

In the third Varsity 8 race, the Terriers were sent past Peter Adams and brushed over Dylan Fagiani, accelerated from the start and moved into second place, ahead of Syracuse, behind only Washington. BU would gradually build an open water lead over the Orange and trailed the Huskies for the top spot by nearly three-quarters of a length. Washington would win the heat, but the Terriers finished second in 5:54.104, more than eight seconds ahead of Syracuse.

BU's Varsity 4, sent by Hanna Noguchi and brushed over Philip of Marsanich, completed his time trial in 6:18.258 and advanced to the A/B/C semi-finals with the 15th fastest time in the field. In lane 1 for the A/B/C semi-final race, all six teams had little separation in the first 500 meters. As the other boats pulled away from there, BU and Penn became involved in a battle for fifth place, where the Terriers made a strong charge in the final quarter to cross the line ahead of the Quakers in 6:27.313.

Saturday's action kicks off at 8:50am, with the Varsity 8 battling it out for a spot in the Grand Final. The Second Varsity 8 will start at 9:10am in the A/B semi-finals, while the Third Varsity 8 will race at 9:40am. In the last race of the weekend, the Varsity 4 will take part in the C-final at 11 a.m.


Varsity 8+ – Heat 3

  1. Harvard 5:34.016
  2. Princeton 5:36,593
  3. BU5:43.286
  4. Navy 5: 50,709
  5. The Room 5:57,559
  6. Saint Clare 6:13,726

Second Varsity 8+ – Heat 3

  1. California 5:45,922
  2. Syracuse 5:49,435
  3. BU5:53.529
  4. Stanford5:56.429
  5. Drexel 6:12,342
  6. St. Clare 6:25,859

Third Varsity 8+ – Heat 1

  1. Washington 5:50,227
  2. BU 5:54,104
  3. Syracuse 6:02,647
  4. Oregon State 6: 14,770
  5. Georgetown 6:27.300

Varsity 4+

  • Time trial
    • 6:18.258 15th of 35 crews
  • A/B/C Semi-final
  1. FIT 6:17.050
  2. Brown 6:18,340
  3. Syracuse 6:19,107
  4. Harvard6:22,927
  5. BU6:27.313
  6. Penn 6:32,113


Varsity 8+

Bow Nicolo Bizzozero

2 Jan Because

3 Maxwell Kreutzelman

4 Jan Tichy

5 Caleb Schwartz

6- Grant Gwadz

7- Andrea Carando

Heart attack Ali El Sayed

Cox Emily Slawin

Second Varsity 8+

Bow Stefan Scornavacca

2 Tukker Thomas

3 Coach Unsworth

4 Ian Varga

5 Ethan Veldman

6- Nicholas Ringelstein

7- Fin Berkhout

Heart attack Bowen de Gouw

Cox James Smith

Third Varsity 8+

Bow Hurst Thompson

2 Billy Sanders

3 Ian Thornell

4 Friedrich Amelingmeyer

5 Andrea Garbo

6- Jack Mitchell

7- George Kreidler

Heart attack Dylan Fagiani

Cox Peter Adams

Varsity 4+

Cox: Hanna Noguchi

Bow: Owen Loeb

2: Ian Doud

3: Dimitrios Papazoglou

Heart attack: Philip of Marsanich


Varsity 8+

  • A/B semi-final 8.50 am
  • Lane 1 Top 3 advance to the grand final, the rest to the small final
  • versus Yale, Brown, Washington, Princeton and Dartmouth

Second Varsity 8+

  • A/B semi-final 9.10 am
  • Lane 6 Top 3 advance to the grand final, the rest to the small final
  • versus Penn, Dartmouth, Washington, Cal and Yale

Third Varsity 8+

  • A/B semi-final 9.40am
  • Lane 5 Top 3 advance to the grand final, the rest to the small final
  • versus Penn, Princeton, Harvard, California and Northeastern

Varsity 4+

  • C Final 11am
  • Lane 4
  • vs. Saint Joseph's, Penn, Stetson, Hobart and Drexel




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