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Why Amul invests heavily in international cricket teams like USA Cricket

Why Amul invests heavily in international cricket teams like USA Cricket


Why Amul invests heavily in international cricket teams like USA CricketHarmeet Singh of USA celebrates with teammates after dismissing Aaron Johnson of Canada during the ICC Men's T20 Cricket World Cup West Indies & USA 2024 match between USA and Canada at Grand Prairie Cricket Stadium on June 1, 2024 in Dallas, Texas . Images: Robert Cianflone/Getty Images

USA Cricket recently announced Amul as the title sponsor for the ongoing ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2024. This is a significant development as Amul recently announced its expansion into the US. Moreover, this is the first time that the US has co-hosted an international cricket event. This partnership is also an important step towards expanding and popularizing cricket across the country, said Venu Pisike, President of USA Cricket. Along with the US cricket team, the dairy giant is also the main sponsor of the South African and Sri Lankan teams. These partnerships are important for Amul, especially as it continues to expand its footprint globally.

A new pitch

This is the first time we are launching fresh milk outside India, said Jayen Mehta, Managing Director, Amul. The GCMMF is partnering with the 108-year-old cooperative organization Michigan Milk Producers Association (MMPA) to launch fresh milk into the U.S. market. The investment in cricket will help Amul get the visibility it needs in a huge market like the US. Amul has launched its fresh milk range in one gallon (3.8 litres) and half gallon (1.9 litres) packs under the Amul brand in the US. This includes Amul Gold with 6 percent milk fat, Amul Shakti with 4.5 percent milk fat, Amul Taaza with 3 percent milk fat and Amul Slim with 2 percent milk fat. For over 25 years, Amul products such as butter, ghee, ice cream and shrikhand have been consumed in the US, he added. These fresh milk products will have the same composition as in India. Amul exports milk products to more than 50 countries around the world. Amul has a history of sponsoring several cricket teams at ICC events, including the New Zealand and Netherlands teams for the 2017 Champions Trophy and the 2011 Cricket World Cup respectively. Underscoring Amul's extensive track record of sponsorship of cricket teams its commitment to nurturing talent, encouraging sportsmanship and uniting communities around the world. Partnering with esteemed brands like Amul inspires us to strive for excellence both on and off the field, Pisike added. Dairy majors' interest in cricket is not just limited to Amul but also to one of their biggest competitors, Karnataka Milk Federations (KMF). Nandini. It will sponsor the Ireland and Scotland cricket teams for the T20 World Cup. KMF has a presence in international markets including the Middle East, Singapore, Bhutan and Myanmar, and some frozen candies are also making their way to the US. KMF also plans to launch Nandini Splash, a whey-based energy drink, in the US during the tournament.

The popularity of crickets in the US

The history of cricket in the US dates back to the 18th century. However, the popularity of sports declined due to the World Wars and other civil unrest. But immigrants from cricket-playing countries, particularly the Caribbean, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, were instrumental in reviving the sport's appeal in the second half of the 20th century.After the success of T20 Major League Cricket, launched in 2023, we saw the opportunity for cricket to grow much more in the US, Pisike added. Founded in 2008, the IPL has a valuation of $11 billion as of 2024. Given the significant increase in the game's commercial value, the ICC was keen to expand the game and take it to new locations and create new markets. Cricket has been seen as an expat sport in the US for decades. But co-hosting the Men's T20 World Cup is a great opportunity for us to take the sport mainstream, Pisike believes. Introducing popular brands like Amul will only help the sport gain popularity in the country, not just among the expat communities but also among local Americans.




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