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College football recruiting: Penn State, Texas A&M and more have big targets up for grabs as June progresses

College football recruiting: Penn State, Texas A&M and more have big targets up for grabs as June progresses


The first big weekend this summercollege football recruiting calendarhas ended, but there are still three more to go. We saw a lot of big news coming out after last week's visits — Georgia landed five-star linebacker Zayden Walkerwhile Alabama turned four-star quarterback Keelon Russell from SMU.

What's in store this weekend? As they say in recruiting: follow the visits; obligations usually follow. 247Sports experts from coast to coast break down the biggest visits they're tracking during the June 7-9 recruiting weekend. Don't expect theClass of 2025 recruiting rankingsto look the same in a few days.

Top-10 recruit Elijah Griffin returns to Coral Gables

“Five stars Elijah Griffinthe nation's highest-ranked defensive lineman and No. 8 overall prospect, will make his first official visit to Miami this weekend. Griffin made his first visit to Coral Gables in March. Guided by the efforts of the defensive line coach and N.F.L Hall of Fame member Jason Taylor, the Hurricanes have since been a leading contender for Griffin. However, mainstay is not synonymous with leading the way.

Georgia is the clear leader, even if Griffin hasn't said so outright. The 'Dawgs aren't expected to host Griffin on an official visit until the fall – closer to his decision time in late fall or winter. But look for the Peach Stater to make an unofficial visit to Athens (and possibly Clemson) this month or next. USC will host Griffin for an official visit later this month. It won't be easy to dethrone the 'Dawgs, but Miami will going to give it a try this weekend.” Anna Adams, 247Sports

Can Wolverines get the ball rolling?

Michigan convinces 4-star DL to cancel visit to Miami

“Michigan was able to get Palatine (Ill.) four-star defensive lineman Jaylen Williams to get rid of his planned visit to Miami and instead put one up with the Wolverines. That is an important development Michigan's chances of making up their Crystal Ball lead for Williams, a 6-foot-4, 265-pound combo lineman who has played both indoors and outdoors. The nation's No. 20 defensive lineman still plans to officially visit Tennessee and Nebraska and is coming off an unofficial relationship with Texas A&M and could make an official with the Aggies. Miami is probably out of the picture.

Williams has long regarded Michigan highly and has a connection with Wolverine commit Nate Marshall, a fellow defensive lineman from Illinois. The key here is that he quickly built a relationship with new defensive line coach Lou Esposito, who took over later in this recruitment but has steadied the ship from Michigan's end. Michigan's class was ranked No. 41 a week ago. As other schools developed, Michigan now ranks at number 47. I would like to see a commitment to get the ball rolling.” Allen Trieu, 247Sports

Notre Dame seems to win gold again

Fighting Irish covet elite California 'backer'

Can the Notre Dame Fighting Irish land an elite linebacker from California for the second cycle in a row? This weekend could be crucial for Marcus Freeman in that endeavor Top247 prospect Madden Faraimo makes it to South Bend for his official visit. The physical defenseman from San Juan Capistrano (Calif.) JSerra Catholic is planning a summer decision and still has trips to Ohio State (June 14) and Texas (June 21) after starting the hectic stretch with a stop in Washington (May 31).

Nearby USC is also involved, as it was with former Bellflower (Calif.) St. John Bosco star Kyngstonn William-Asa — but the Irish got the job done there and were able to take many of the same angles with the 6-foot-4, 230-pound Faraimo, who is ranked 12th in the state of California for the Class of 2025.” Blair Angulo, 247Sports

Ohio State has a building block for Class 2 in its sights

6-foot-10 OT Jackson Lloyd wastes no time in returning

“This is the first official visit for the Carmel (Calif.) offensive lineman. Jackson Lloyd and it will take him to State of Ohio. The Buckeyes are the latest school to offer the 6-foot-1, 290-pounder, but Chip Kelly was the first coach to do so when he was head coach at UCLA. Alabama has him on an official visit next weekend and he'll cap it off with a visit to USC, but the Buckeyes will get the first chance just three weeks after he took an unofficial visit to Columbus in mid-May. The feeling is that Alabama has been in the lead for a while, at least since Kalen DeBoer took over; Washington was high on Lloyd's list a year ago.

Ohio State's offer to Lloyd in March earned the Buckeyes a quick, unofficial visit and now the first official visit puts them in a good spot to make a late surge for the number 146 in the country. The Buckeyes currently have the No. 2 class nationally but that only includes one offensive lineman, so Lloyd would be a huge boost.” Brandon Huffman, 247Sports

Penn State is looking to replenish the WR room

Lions are trying to attract the first class of 2025

“None of the three receivers Penn State entered through the portal or high school in the class of 2023 are in the program, it lost leading returning receiver KeAndre Lambert-Smith to the portal in the spring and the class of 2024 players is not ready to take on a major role. It's why the Nittany Lions brought in Ohio State transfer Julian Fleming to lead the group this year, but a game changer has yet to develop on the roster. That means fans are eager for something good at the position in 2025.

Penn State has 13 commitments and its class is ranked No. 10 in the nation, but it's light on receivers. The only committed recipient is Lyrick Samuel of Brooklyn Erasmus Hall. However, a The priority target will be on campuss in Norfolk (Va.) Norcom's Matthew Outtena four-star prospect who is listed as the No. 5 athlete in the nation but is being recruited as a receiver.

Conventional wisdom says Penn State can take a big step toward securing a commitment with the weekend visit that also includes Syracuse, Virginia Tech and Maryland. It is imperative that Penn State receivers coach Marques Hagans and offensive coordinator Andy Kotelnicki put on a great showing for Outten.” Brian Dohn, 247Sports

Can Texas A&M make a deal with 5-star?

Aggies could punctuate the big weekend

“Texas A&M is set to have a big weekend with some of the top players in the country, but this really feels like an opportunity to close the deal with five-star Galveston (Texas) Ball linebacker Jonah Williams. The Aggies are back on track. in this recruitment throughout the spring, and sources we talk to are the most optimistic about the Aggies landing the dynamic defenseman. I just changed my Crystal Ball prediction for Williams from Oklahoma to Texas A&M.

Baseball could play a big role in his recruitment as Williams is a legitimate MLB prospect on the diamond, and the Texas A&M baseball program, which is hosting a Super Regional this weekend, is currently one of the best in the country. Mike Elko and the The Aggies currently own the No. 7 class in the countryand closing the deal for Williams could be the start of what Aggie fans hope will be a big summer in recruiting as Elko gets its second five-star in the 2025 cycle.” Mike Roach, 247Sports

USC has ground to make amends with the star in the state

Last chance for Trojans and 4-star LB Noah Mikhail

“This is a extremely important weekend for the USC Trojans when it comes to La Verna (California) Bonita Top 100 linebacker recruitment Noah Mikhail. The 6-3, 227-pounder, who is the No. 83 overall player in the class of 2025, is nearing a June 30 decision. His last three include USC, Oregon and Texas A&M. Mikhail is going to College Station next weekend and the weekend after that he'll wrap things up in Eugene.

Early on, most pegged Mikhail at USC. Eventually, things changed and Oregon picked up steam. After a visit this spring, it was Texas A&M that had the momentum. Most see this as a race between the Ducks and Aggies, so now is the time for USC to do everything they can to get this one back in their favor. This is his last visit with Lincoln Riley and his staff, so we'll see if the Trojan horses can make a convincing pitch. USC has the No. 5 class in the country and Mikhail would be an excellent addition.” Tom Loy, 247Sports

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