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Oregon football's exciting chances for an undefeated season

Oregon football's exciting chances for an undefeated season


Could the Oregon Ducks football team go undefeated into the 2024 college football season? The Ducks compete in the Big Ten Conference and are faced with the challenge of adapting to a new conference against the likes of the Ohio State Buckeyes, Michigan Wolverines, Wisconsin Badgers and others.

According to FPI analysis, the Ducks are contenders to conquer the table, which gives the Ducks a 15.7 percent chance of winning every match in 2024. Interestingly, Michigan, which went 13-0 last season, is not among the top 10 teams with the best odds to remain undefeated.

The only team with a better chance than Oregon is the Notre Dame Fishing Irish, with a 15.8 percent chance.

Oregon quarterback Dillon Gabriel congratulates Luke Moga after a Mona touchdown during the Oregon Ducks Spring Game

Oregon quarterback Dillon Gabriel congratulates Luke Moga after a Mona touchdown during the Oregon Ducks Spring Game Saturday, April 27, 2024, at Autzen Stadium in Eugene, Oregon. / Ben Lonergan/The Register-Guard / USA

In the Big Ten Conference, Ohio State has a 7.5 percent chance of going undefeated and Penn State has a 7.1 percent chance.

Oregon's 2024 schedule works well, as the Ducks get to host the Buckeyes in Eugene and not play Penn State. The Ducks do have road games against Michigan and Wisconsin.

The Ducks transfer class of 14 highly touted players is the best in the Big Ten and it's not even close.

Oregon's transfers include: quarterback Dillon Gabriel from Oklahoma, former five-star receiver Evan Stewart from Texas A&M, and cornerback Jabbar Muhammad, who helped Washington win the Pac-12 Conference and reach the College Football Playoff title game last year. They also brought in another talented quarterback, Dante Moore, a former five-star recruit from UCLA.

The 2024 Duckshave have as good a chance as anyone to be the best team in college football. The speedy Ducks are also big in the trenches, a nightmare for opponents.

In an exclusive interview with Oregon wide receiver Tez Johnson, the senior revealed that coach Dan Lanning's practices are as competitive as a “National Championship Game.”

“It's so competitive (in practice),” Johnson told Oregon Sports Illustrated's Bri Amaranthus. “You'd think we'd be playing in a national championship game against whoever — we're so intense in practice.”

Practice makes perfect…perhaps literally.




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