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Boston selected as site for hockey's 4 Nations Face-Off tournament next season

Boston selected as site for hockey's 4 Nations Face-Off tournament next season


Montreal and Boston will be the host cities for the 4 Nations Face-Off tournament in February, the NHL announced Saturday, along with releasing the schedule for the event.

In Montreal, Canada will play Sweden on February 12, the US will play Finland on February 13, followed by a doubleheader of Finland vs. Sweden and USA vs. Canada waiting for February 15th.

In Boston, play resumes at TD Garden on February 17 with another doubleheader pitting Canada against Finland and Sweden against the US. The championship game is there on February 20.

Our domestic rights holders, all of our national rights holders in both countries, will operate the games,” NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman said during his annual press conference ahead of Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final. We are happy with the progress we have made. what you make and the ability to shut down the plans.

Marty Walsh, executive director of the National Hockey League Players Association, said 90 NHL players will participate in the tournament. National federations will begin releasing rosters with six names each on June 28, with the rest of the rosters expected by the end of 2024.

Montreal and Boston stood out as host locations, the league said.

They are two iconic cities and we felt it was important to get some exposure, a location in both Canada and the United States, said NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly.

Salary limit

The NHL and the NHLPA announced shortly before Bettman's press conference that the salary cap for next season will be $88 million, $4.5 million more than this season and slightly $300,000 higher than what was projected in December.

“I know the general managers and teams are excited about more flexibility,” Bettman said. And it means revenues are just as robust as we've been telling you all along.

The floor was set at $65 million, with a midpoint of $76.5 million.

Bettman added: I predict it will continue to rise.

Miami game?

There is no time of year when South Florida offers a suitable climate for the NHL to play an outdoor game.

That is, unless it was indoors, like at LoanDepot Park, the 37,000-seat stadium in Miami's Little Havana neighborhood that the Miami Marlins call home.

I haven't been there, but I understand it's very nice and it also has a roof and air conditioning,” Bettman said. “I'm not going to break any news today, but we are aware of the fact that at some point, it would be good for the Panthers to play an outdoor game. And so we continue to explore options. …We can only speculate what the future might bring.

It's not an idea that came out of nowhere: the Marlins confirmed that they have had discussions about the idea of ​​such a game and that they have a good relationship with the Panthers.

And it's not the first timethe baseball field is mentioned as a place where a traditional winter sport can be practiced. When he heard last year that the San Antonio Spurs would break the NBA attendance record by playing the Golden State Warriors at the Alamodome, Miami Heat coach Erik Spoelstra proposed packing 100,000 people into the stadium for an NBA game.

Cut-resistant materials

Discussions about making certain cut-resistant equipment mandatory will continue. That conversation gained momentum around the sport after Novemberdeath of American hockey player Adam Johnsonfrom a skating blade to the neck during a competition in England.

The NHL and the NHLPA have been studying skate cut injuries and how to reduce and avoid them for years.

There is no other update other than to say that this year's events have obviously opened everyone's eyes and brought a much greater focus on it,” Daly said.

Media rights

Long before joining the NHL, Bettman was general counsel and senior vice president of the NBA, a league that entered into a new series of media rights deals that will last 11 years and are expected to have a total value of more than $70 billion.

That would be great for the NHL and other sports as well, Bettman said.

What it tells you is that the sports content market is as robust as it has ever been, despite recent years' predictions of doom and gloom,” Bettman said. I think the prospects for the future are also very exciting for us, because as one of the four major sports we have extremely valuable content.




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