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5 Best Ping Pong Paddles in 2024, Tested and Reviewed

5 Best Ping Pong Paddles in 2024, Tested and Reviewed


5 Best Ping Pong Paddles in 2024, Tested and ReviewedWHETHER YOU ARE Whether you're playing in your garage for the first time or you're a seasoned veteran taking on the best players at your local gym, the best ping pong paddles are the ones that will give you the most confidence when you sit down at the table. Of course, there are different ping pong paddles for different skill levels, but finding the right one isn't actually that difficult.

Beginner paddles are generally the most affordable and feature flared handles for comfort and maneuverability, along with sticky rubber surfaces for optimal forgiveness. More advanced ping pong paddles have blades made from higher quality wood, contain premium materials such as carbon fiber in the blade and handle, and use the best rubber materials you can buy, resulting in higher spin, more power and more feel. These may cost you a bit more when it comes to costs, but they are essential for taking your game to the next level.

Best Ping Pong Paddles


What to consider

Target skill level

When choosing a ping pong paddle, it is crucial that you know your skill level and what skill level the paddle is intended for. Beginners should opt for affordable paddles with more control and forgiveness, which often have a larger sweet spot and softer rubber. Advanced players will want to prioritize paddles that balance control and speed, while advanced players will often want to choose paddles that maximize spin and speed. Understanding what the paddle you choose is made for will ensure you choose a paddle that strengthens your strengths and helps improve your weaknesses.

Read more: Best Pickleball Paddles

Knife material

Blade material is one of the most important factors in determining the performance of a paddle. Paddles are usually made of wood or composite materials (including carbon fiber, like the Stiga paddle above). Wooden knives offer better control and feel, making them the best choice for beginners and advanced players. Composite blades provide more speed and a pure sweet spot, which is better for advanced players looking for power and precision.


The rubber on a ping pong paddle affects spin, speed and control. Soft rubber provides better control and is best for beginners who want more accuracy. Medium-hard rubber combines spin and speed, making it best for intermediate players. Advanced players often choose harder rubber for maximum spin and speed. Additionally, the stickiness of the rubber makes a big difference when it comes to generating speed.

Read more: Best tennis rackets for beginners

Is it better to have a light or heavy ping pong paddle?

The style of your game usually determines whether you want to go light or heavy with your paddling weight. A lightweight ping pong paddle, always for faster reactions, easier maneuverability and better spin movements (easier to move with the wrist and generate quickly). A heavier ping pong paddle will give you more power and better momentum when returning powerful shots. A heavier paddle can also help with control when defending because you don't have to generate as much force to return a good shot.

How we selected

While you could spend a day sorting through the multitude of options, as you might assume when browsing the sporting goods department at your local Goal or Walmart, that's probably not absolutely necessary. Despite the sheer number of paddles on offer at our favorite retailers, our team at Mens Health thinks a few top picks stand above the rest. To find our best ping pong paddles, our editors and writers looked for comments about the paddles' design (such as the blade material and rubber), the intended skill level of the paddle, and the price. Finally, we considered the popular opinion of the gaming community on forums such as r/tabletennis on Reddit.

Read on to get the skinny on our top five favorite ping pong paddles to buy right now.


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