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Westborough Boys Tennis heads to the championship match

Westborough Boys Tennis heads to the championship match


Finals near: Westborough Boys Tennis beats Wayland to advance to championship match
Westborough's Srinjoy Ghosh looks at the tennis ball. (Photo/Evan Walsh)

SHREWSBURY – Everything was leading up to this moment for Westborough boys tennis.

In November, Westborough began building its schedule, reaching out to teams across the state. The final details fell into place in December, months before the start of training in March. The season officially started in April, and over the next two months the players practiced six days a week — an average of two hours a day — traveling across Massachusetts to compete and then repeating the process again.

It has taken energy, effort and time – a lot of time – but it has all been worth it for Westborough. On June 10, the top-seeded Rangers defeated the No. 4 Wayland Warriors 4-1 in the MIAA Division 2 semifinals. With the win, Westborough will play in the state championship game for the fourth straight year. The match, which has not yet been officially scheduled, is expected to be played on Saturday.

Finals near: Westborough Boys Tennis beats Wayland to advance to championship match
Westborough's Jordan Hlawek returns the ball to the Wayland player. (Photo/Evan Walsh)

It's as the saying goes: Hard work pays off.

“If you were to look at my lawn, you would see the energy and effort I put into tennis,” said Head Coach Leonard O'Neil.

The usual suspects dominated early for the Rangers. Kaden Chen, Westborough's No. 1 singles player and back-to-back Mid-Wach-A MVP, came off the court first and extended his undefeated streak for the season. Srinjoy Ghosh, the team's No. 2 singles player and senior captain, left the court shortly after Chen with another short but powerful win. The two have pushed each other all season and led the team forward.

Finals near: Westborough Boys Tennis beats Wayland to advance to championship match
Eehab Khan and Brendan Estaphan high-five after winning a point. (Photo/Evan Walsh)

“What's not to like? They are good, and in practice they push each other. They are not only good teammates, but also good leaders,” O'Neil said.

“It feels like a relief [to reach the championship]. Our expectations are so high, and if we don't get there, it wouldn't be good for us. I am really proud of the team,” said Ghosh, who has now reached the title match in each of his four seasons at Westborough High School tennis.

As Chen and Ghosh cleared the nearest two courts, the crowd at Saint John's High School in Shrewsbury moved to the doubles matches. Brendan Estaphan and Eehab Khan – the Rangers' No. 1 doubles duo – eliminated their Wayland rivals in two competitive sets. On the next courses, No. 2 duo Michael Ku and Tyler Lattanzio handled their competition. While Wayland defeated No. 3 singles player Jordan Hlawek to make the score 4–1, Westborough had already won the match and the team rallied to support Hlawek after the competition ended.

Finals near: Westborough Boys Tennis beats Wayland to advance to championship match
Kaden Chen shoots the ball. (Photo/Evan Walsh)

“I am very grateful for this opportunity. It's not really common for such a team to go to the championship multiple times, let alone win a championship. I think our team has worked very hard this year. We give it 100% [in the championship]and we will see what happens,” Chen said.

Westborough will face third-placed Duxbury Dragons in the Championship – the same team Rangers lost to in last year's final. Still, Westborough has reason to go in with confidence. Duxbury was the top-seeded team last year, but this time the Rangers enter the championship as the No. 1 seed. Additionally, on May 10, Westborough defeated the Dragons on their home court 3-2 in regular season action.

Finals near: Westborough Boys Tennis beats Wayland to advance to championship match
Westborough's Eehab Khan gets ready to hit the ball. (Photo/Evan Walsh)

“It's a state championship. Different types of nerves. Different setting. We have played them before and we will give our best,” Ghosh said.

“I want the boys to do well, win or lose. I want to go out there and play well, leave everything on the field, and we'll see where the cards fall,” O'Neil said.

Finals near: Westborough Boys Tennis beats Wayland to advance to championship match
Westborough's Michael Ku (right) and Tyler Lattanzio (left) celebrate after winning a point. (Photo/Evan Walsh)




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