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Texas A&M Athletics


THE ANGELS Texas A&Ms Maria Stoiana was named the winner of the Honda Sport Award for Tennis, as announced today by Chris Voelz, Executive Director of The Collegiate Women Sports Awards.

Presented annually by the CWSA for the past 48 years to the top female athletes in 12 NCAA-sanctioned sports, the Honda Sport Award represents “the best of the best in collegiate athletics.” The winner of the sports award will become a finalist for the Collegiate Female Athlete of the Year and the prestigious 2024 Honda Cup, which will be presented on a live broadcast on CBS Sports Network on Monday, June 24, 2024 at 7:00 PM ET, from its new home in New York City.

Stoiana was chosen by a vote of the administrators of more than 1,000 NCAA schools. Finalists included Alexa Noel (Miami), Amelia Rajecki (NC State) and Dasha Vidmanova (Georgia).

“I am so grateful to have received the Honda Prize for Tennis,” said Stoiana. “To be recognized alongside some of the best female athletes in the country is an honor for me and a testament to the hard work I have put in throughout the year. This year was an amazing experience and it ended in a phenomenal way that speaks volumes for the type of program that Texas A&M is and embodies, as well as the support I continually receive, I am always inspired to serve the university in the best way possible continue to represent and I am honored to earn this honor.”

Stoiana, a native of Southbury, Conn., is a two-time Honda Award finalist and two-time SEC Player of the Year, becoming the first player in program history to win SEC Player of the Year honors and go on to win it twice. She is a three-time All-SEC performer and led her team to its first NCAA Championship team title at the 2024 NCAA Tennis Championships.

The junior finished the season ranked No. 1 in the ITA in singles and earned the No. 1 seed in the NCAA Championship. She also finished the regular season ranked No. 3 in doubles.

Overall, she posted a 38–4 singles record for the highest winning percentage of any ranked NCAA singles player (90.5%). It was the fourth-most wins in single-season program history and included 26 wins against ranked opponents this season.

In conference play, she was 11-1 in SEC singles and 6-1 in doubles. She earned the 12th SEC Weekly honor of her career this season, following her conference record seven Player of the Week awards last year.

Off the court, she is a CSC Academic Third Team All-American and two-time SEC Academic Honor Roll honoree.

“I am so proud of Mary and all her accomplishments this season,” said the head coach Mark Weaver. “No one deserves this honor more and I couldn't be happier for her and this wonderful award she has received.”

Entering its 48th year, the CWSA has honored the nation's top female NCAA athletes for their superior athletic ability, leadership, academic excellence and eagerness to participate in community service. Since the partnership began in 1986, Honda has provided more than $3.4 million in institutional grants to the universities of the award winners and nominees to support women's athletic programs.

About Honda's corporate social responsibility

For more than 60 years, Honda has been committed to making positive contributions to the communities where its employees live and work in the US. Honda's mission is to create products and services that improve people's lives while conducting business sustainably and promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace. That's why Honda believes in helping people achieve their life potential by focusing on the areas of education, environment, mobility, road safety and community. More information can be found at


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