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Pakistani cricket fans talk about the Cricket World Cup in New York

Pakistani cricket fans talk about the Cricket World Cup in New York


Hosted in the US for the first time, the Cricket World Cup spreads cricket fever across the city and beyond.

Die-hard Pakistani cricket fans in New York are hoping that the Pakistani cricket team can turn things around and clinch another World Cup, despite how difficult the team's prospects may be.

What you need to know

  • The Pakistan national team won the World Cup in 1992, but this year it lost to its biggest rival India on Sunday and to the US, an underdog team, last week
  • Pakistan has to beat Canada on Tuesday and Ireland on Sunday. Meanwhile, the US must lose its next two matches for the Pakistanis to advance to the next round
  • According to the Anderson Economic Group, the Cricket World Cup is expected to generate approximately $78 million in revenue for the New York metropolitan area.

Fahad Khan, a physiotherapist, took the opportunity to show off his cricket gear, including the knee pads, gloves and bat.

Keep your eye on the ball. That's what you have to do as a batsman, said Khan, born in Pakistan and raised in Queens.

Not only is he a fan of the sport, he is also obsessed with the sport and with the national team of his home country.

Not just Pakistani, all South Asian [communities]. “I love it, they are dying for it,” Khan said.

Khan plays locally every Sunday for a national recreational cricket competition called the National Cricket League Tapeball.

He said he has never missed a game.

I missed my cousin's wedding, so I flew to Michigan for a wedding. I was there because the Pakistani wedding was obviously five days long, so I was there. And then I had a match on Sunday, so I skipped Sunday [at the wedding]I flew [back to New York]Khan explained.

And now history is being made in his backyard.

The competitions in the US are in Texas, Florida and Long Island. And while Pakistan is not playing well so far, having lost to rival India on Sunday and the US last week, Khan said he is still hopeful.

Pakistan has to beat Canada on Tuesday and Ireland on Sunday. The US must lose its next two matches for the Pakistanis to advance to the next round.

Khan's friend flew from Karachi, Pakistan, to the city to watch Canada's match in person. He also watched the match with India in person at the Eisenhower Park stadium on Sunday.

For us, the World Cup is a fact. We specifically wanted to get tickets for these days, get a tour of New York, watch the game and support our team. Avais Khan, who came from Pakistan with a group of his friends, told NY1 in Urdu.

According to the Anderson Economic Group, the Cricket World Cup is expected to generate approximately $78 million in revenue for the New York metropolitan area.

This could be a boost for businesses, but for cricket fans it could also be a home run that brings runs to the sport, possibly as a new fan base.

I also love baseball, but anyone who learns to play cricket will love cricket more than baseball. “I'm sorry to say that,” Khan said.

Khan's cousin is a physiotherapist for the Pakistan national cricket team and travels with the team as they compete.

After New York, the World Cup goes to Florida.




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