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Notre Dame Football: Irish defensive line coaching position is endowed

Notre Dame Football: Irish defensive line coaching position is endowed


South Bend, Indiana Peter Schivarelli of Chicago, Illinois, has made a gift to the University of Notre Dame to endow the football program's defensive line coaching position. Peter is a 1971 Notre Dame graduate and former defensive lineman for the Fighting Irish football team.

The donation will help underwrite the defensive line coach's salary, provide long-term stability and resources and create funds for use within the athletic department. This is the eighth Notre Dame football coaching position, including head coach, that has been awarded.

“I am so grateful to Peter and his family for their continued support of Notre Dame football,” said Pete Bevacqua, university vice president and James E. Rohr, director of athletics. His generosity impacts our student-athletes almost every day, not only through his philanthropic support, but also through the time and knowledge he provides. Peter's decision to reward our position as defensive line coach is critical to our future success and gifts like these are an integral part of our athletics programs.

Al Washington will assume the title of Peter Schivarelli Defensive Line Coach. Washington is entering his third season as Notre Dame's defensive line coach and playing coordinator. His defensive line played a key role in a Fighting Irish defense that finished the 2023 season as one of the top units in the country. As Notre Dame's defensive line coach for the past two seasons, Washington has acted as a mentor NFL Draft picks Isaiah Foskey and Javontae Jean-Baptiste along with key 2024 returnees Howard Cross III and Rylie Mills.

Peter is one of the most giving people I have ever met, said Dick Corbett, Marcus Freeman head football coach. He goes above and beyond to share his time, his knowledge, and in this case, his resources. He has such a deep passion for Notre Dame and wants nothing more than for all programs here, including football, to be successful. We appreciate Peter's support and are grateful for his willingness to take on the position of defensive line coach.

Schivarelli has a long history of supporting the University of Notre Dame and its athletics department. He serves on the Student-Athlete Advisory Council, Jesse Harper Council, Cavanaugh Council, Friends of Ted and Ned, and the Ara Parseghian Medical Research Fund, as well as being a strong supporter of the Notre Dame Marching Band. He also provided the resources to establish the Schivarelli Football Players Lounge in the north tunnel of Notre Dame Stadium. In addition, Schivarelli led efforts to create a statue honoring his former coach, Ara Parseghian, which stands outside Gate B of Notre Dame Stadium.

Notre Dame has been very generous in its gratitude for all that I have done, but for me I can never do enough to repay them for what they have done for me, and throughout my life, since I entered as a freshman in 1967 , Schivarelli said. I got some financial help from the athletic department and the football team, which came at a time when I needed it most. I've always felt that after graduation, all players should at least give back what their scholarship cost in their days. What that grant was worth could never be repaid. It is an honor for me to take on the position of defensive line coach, especially since that is the position I have played.

Schivarelli is President and Chief Executive Officer of Critter Management and also the longtime manager of the rock band Chicago.

Notre Dame Football Endowed Coaching Staff Positions

Dick Corbett Head Football Coach Marcus Freeman
Bob Hinton defensive coordinator Al Golden
John and Bobbie Arlotta Family Offensive Coordinator Mike Denbrock
Joe Moore offensive line coach Joe Rudolph
Peter Schivarelli Defensive Line Coach Al Washington
Pat and Jana Eilers Defensive Backs Coach Mike Mickens
Bob and Leslie Mohr Family Quarterbacks Coach Gino Guidugli
Trematerra Family Director of Football Performance Loren Landow




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