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Syracuse football 2024 opponent preview: Week 2, Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets

Syracuse football 2024 opponent preview: Week 2, Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets


The 2024 Syracuse Orange football season is quickly approaching, so it's time to take a deep dive into the competition SU will face this fall. With the Week 1 matchup against Ohio behind them, Fran Brown and his troops move on to ACC play, first against the team that let go of its predecessor…

Georgia Tech yellow jackets

School: Georgia Institute of Technology

Nickname: Yellow jackets

mascots: Fuss; The Ramblin Wreck

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Conference: ACC

History vs. Syracuse: GT holds a 3-1 series lead over SU, with wins over Bobby Dodd in 2013 and 2023, and another as the home team at the Meadowlands in 2001. As previously mentioned, last year's 31-22 loss cost former SU head coach Dino Babers his job, leading to Brown being brought in as his replacement. The Dutch team's only victory was the first under the new Dome roof in 2020 – luckily fans will be present here.

NCAA Football: North Carolina at Georgia Tech

Brett Davis-USA TODAY Sports

Coach: Brent Key, second season. After being named interim HC four games into the 2022 season, Key led the Yellow Jackets to a 4-4 finish, including wins over ranked Pitt and UNC teams. That was enough for GT to keep him around, and it paid off with a bowl trip in his first full year on the headset. Previously, Key spent one season at Western Carolina (FCS), eleven at UCF and three on the Alabama staff. He returned to his alma mater as OL coach in 2019.

2023 record: 7-6 (5-3)

A summary of last season:

Georgia Tech had a season that was as back and forth as you can imagine: L, W, L, W, L, W, L, W, W, L, W, L. It started with a close loss to Louisville on Mercedes-Benz Stadium won before GT easily won the FCS match in Week 2. Defeats ranged from ranked Ole Miss to a steal against Bowling Green, but there were plenty of highlights too, including big upsets over Miami and UNC and a bowl-clinching win against SU. Despite inconsistencies, the most important thing is that the Yellow Jackets punched a ticket to the Gasparilla Bowl in Tampa, beating UCF 30-17.

The third-best offense in the ACC had a balanced attack. Texas A&M transfer Haynes King won the starting QB job and never looked back, throwing for 2,842 yards, rushing for 737 more and scoring a total of 37 touchdowns to 16 interceptions. Sophomore Jamal Haynes was right behind LeQuint Allen nationally with 1,059 rushing yards. Their efforts ensured GT stuck to its roots and led the conference in compelling areas. Wideouts Eric Singleton Jr. and Malik Rutherford also formed a reliable duo, combining for 94 catches and more than 1,200 receiving yards. I had said in the 2023 preview that this offense would take some time to develop, and honestly, it looked like I was wrong.

The problems were instead all over the defensive side of the ball, as the group finished last in the conference in yards allowed per game. It was especially bad on the ground, where opponents ran an average of 225(!) meters. And no, they weren't playing against eleven other teams running the ThunderCat offense. Now to give credit where it's due: DB Jaylon King had a Super Senior season to remember with nine pass breakups, four picks, two fumble recoveries and a blocked punt. Atlanta native Kyle Kennard broke out to lead the defensive line with six sacks and three forced turnovers, cornerback Ahmari Harvey also had three takeaways, and redshirt freshman LB Kyle Efford led the team with 81 tackles. Those few highlights couldn't save an otherwise waterlogged ship. Kicker Aidan Birr hit 17/19 with his longest FG from 48 yards out.

Union Home Mortgage Gasparilla Bowl - UCF vs. Georgia Tech

Photo by Julio Aguilar/Getty Images

Season outlook 2024:

GT will be putting in a lot of miles to start the season, heading to Dublin in Week 0 for international play against FSU. After heading home to host Georgia State, they make their second furthest trip north to Syracuse. The remaining non-conference schedule includes VMI, Notre Dame and of course the annual domestic clash with Georgia (this year in Athens). ACC Play also includes home games against Duke, Miami and NC State, and road trips to Louisville, UNC and Virginia Tech.

The offense is largely unchanged from 2023, with King, Haynes, Singleton and Rutherford all back in their respective spots. The only major differences are new RG Keylan Rutledge, a junior transfer from Middle Tennessee, and a three-way league for TE reps. Backup RB Dontae Smith graduated, but Trey Cooley is an adequate replacement.

The pass rush will be a huge loss if Kennard leaves for South Carolina. Surprisingly, the defense relies much more on rebounds than a large influx of transfers. Former Tenessee corner Warren Burrell can make his case to regain a starting spot after an injury left him in depth. Other additions from Georgia, Louisville and Rhode Island look much more like projects or rotating pieces. New defensive coordinator Tyler Santucci excelled with Duke last season, but such a big turnaround is a big ask here as well.

Syracuse game date: Saturday September 7

Place: JMA Wireless Dome, Syracuse, New York

Probability of victory for the Dutch team: 65%

Very early prospects vs. Syracuse:

This might be the biggest kicking game of the entire season. The GT defense still looks very exploitable, but their offense shouldn't lose touch with the same personnel. It's also a huge early test for Coach Fran, who should earn his first career victory. He knows this group pretty well from the past two years at Georgia; they even gave are secondary issues at last year's meeting. If anyone is going to ruin every 4-0 start predicted by Syracuse fans, I bet it's the Yellow Jackets.

Expect an interesting start to the game and a close score at halftime, but SU's defense has far fewer cracks than the opponent. They will stay on the line when it matters most for a second Dome win and high optimism heading into a very early first bye.




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