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Best bets and picks for Wednesday, June 12

Best bets and picks for Wednesday, June 12


Stuttgart, Nottingham and 's-Hertogenbosch predictions and best bets for June 12

With the French Open just wrapping up, the tennis action will be all over the place until Wimbledon (which I've already seen a preview of). There are grass events in all different parts of the world (Stuttgart, Nottingham, 's-Hertogenbosch), and there are also some Challenger level events played on clay. I'll be taking a somewhat scattered approach over the next few weeks, taking advantage of the crazy amount of tennis to find value wherever I can. I'll then elaborate on things a bit further once we get to the Cinch Championships at the Queen's Club in London next week. With that in mind, keep reading for some of my best tennis bets and tennis predictions for Wednesday, June 12.

I'm going to quickly review some of my favorite picks below, but I usually have many more on the Pro Picks page. I also add some choices occasionally throughout the day as schedules can become inconvenient due to the international nature of the sport. I also like to see how the odds move. That said, keep checking the page throughout the day.

MORE: Check out our Pro Picks page for everything our experts are deploying!

2024 record: 374-386 (+32.20 pieces)

Arthur Fils vs. Ugo Humbert – Hertogenbosch

Humbert lost in the first round of the French Open, giving him five defeats in his last six matches. However, the left should be excited about playing on grass. Humbert is just 20-17 on grass in his career, and just 3-5 on the field over the past 52 weeks. But Humbert has an excellent first serve and the ability to pound the ball for quick winners. So it's only a matter of time before he achieves great results on this surface. And while I know Humbert is hurting form-wise at the moment, I can't help but want him to beat Fils in the Netherlands. Fils is an absolutely electric player, and the Frenchman has great power himself. But I think Humbert's style makes him a little better suited to these fast conditions. As much as Fils can go with the ball on his racket at times, his hold percentage is only 79.1% this season. Humbert's has risen to 85.8%. Look for the southpaw to see a few more breakpoint opportunities that should make all the difference in the world.

Inset: Humbert ML (-135)

Daria Saville vs Diane Parry – Nottingham

I needed Parry to beat Cristina Bucsa in her opening round match, but that was a meeting between two players with very little grass experience. So I kept it pretty simple and trusted the better player to figure it out. But Parry, who is only 21 years old, is still inexperienced on the surface and is up against a player who has played 34 matches on grass at WTA level. With that in mind, the Frenchwoman is clearly at a disadvantage here. And while I'm largely a big fan of Parry's game, I think Saville will have a few tricks up his sleeve in this match. Look for Saville to do her best to properly rush Parry's one-handed backhand here, and don't be surprised if the Australian's variety is crucial in helping her win this one. The only thing I'm a little concerned about is Saville's miserable serve, but the fast conditions should make things easier. She just needs to take a little bit off her serve and focus on making it.

Bet: Saville ML (-105)

Added plays

I will have MUCH MORE on the Pro Picks page. These plays count towards my record and are a big part of my success this season. Make sure you check them out. I'll probably add a few more, so refresh that page throughout the day if you're looking for action.

Tuesday plays

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I also had the following plays on the Pro Picks page:

Van Uytvanck +1.5 Sets (-140) vs. Samsonova [Hertogenbosch]
Nakashima ML (-175) vs. Eubanks [Stuttgart]
PARLAY: Raducanu ML vs. Shibahara + Jabeur ML vs. Osori (-143) [Nottingham]
Niemeier ML (+120 – 1.5 units) vs. Tauson [Hertogenbosch]

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Tennis odds

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