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Team USA puts up a valiant fight after losing to India in the nail-biter of the Long Island Cricket World Cup

Team USA puts up a valiant fight after losing to India in the nail-biter of the Long Island Cricket World Cup


In theory, the World Cup cricket match between the US and India on Wednesday is a home match for the Americans. However, fans of the Indian cricket team came out in full force and took over the raucous crowd at Eisenhower Park on Long Island, about 97-3.

Unlike Sunday's match against Pakistan where the perennial rivals came with high stakes despite low scores, Team India fans arrived in Nassau County to watch their team shine on the world stage.

And so far, India has dominated on the field.

US cricket captain Aaron Jones plays a shot during the ICC Men's T20 World Cup match against India. AP
American fans in hats and scarves celebrate outside the Nassau County International Cricket Stadium before the 2024 ICC men's Twenty20 World Cup cricket match between the US and India. AFP via Getty Images

After 11 overs out of 20, the US only earned an abysmal 48 runs. For context, India's winning score of 119 against Pakistan is considered incredibly low, and the US can't even keep up with that pace.

The achievement comes after the Americans claimed one of the biggest upsets in Twenty20 World Cup history when they defeated Pakistan in Dallas on Thursday.

The US has been pushing for aggressive batting and saw some good results in the last few overs, three 6s and a 4, pushing the score to 80/4. It's still well below the pace the US needs to have for fourteen overs, but it's a glimpse of this team's potential in the group stage.

American cricketer Saurabh Netralvakar celebrates with teammate Steven Taylor after dismissing India's Virat Kohli during a Twenty20 World Cup 2024 match. AFP via Getty Images
Fans arrive for the 2024 ICC Men's Twenty20 World Cup, USA vs India, outside the Nassau County International Cricket Stadium. AFP via Getty Images

Just as the momentum started to rise for the US, bowler Nitish Kumar was robbed of 4 and caught with a huge grab by Indian Mohammed Siraj in the 15th over.

The US finished 110/8. The Americans always fought a tough battle today, but winning with this score is unlikely.

Still, USA fans continue to have high expectations as the home team holds on. In a stunning moment in the match, Indian phenomenon Virat Kohli was called out on the second ball, causing the US team and fans to erupt in cheers.

Many India fans at the match, who have emigrated to the US, now chant “USA!” after a second Indian player is eliminated.

The crowd consisted mainly of Team India fans. AP

However, India climbed out of their early hole with the first six of the afternoon. Suddenly it stands at 24 runs.

During the first six overs, known as the powerplay because the fielding team can consist of only two players, India have a score of 33/2. That's actually not a particularly good score, but it's good enough that they don't have to worry with a score of only 110 to beat.

What looks clear is that if the US had scored just ten more points, an upset would be possible. Even though Team USA is defending well and has only conceded 47 runs midway through India's batting, stopping India for 110 is an incredibly high ask.

Fans arrive for the ICC Twenty20 World Cup 2024 men's cricket match between USA and India at the Nassau County International Cricket Stadium. AFP via Getty Images

After twelve overs, India is on 55 runs, exactly half of what it needs to draw. The big picture hasn't really changed; the chances for the Americans remain low. However, India needs a little more than it can catch up in time.

While the United States defense was excellent, it will likely be hurt by a missed opportunity when one of their field players dropped a pop-up. That would have been the fourth wicket, but it gave India a few runs.

India eventually found their way in the last few overs, closing out the match in the 19th over with a double to win 111/3 with seven wickets and 10 balls to spare. The US defended well for much of the match but lacked enough batting and allowed India to break through at the end to take decisive control of the match.

Team USA's Cinderella story may not end even if it loses to India. The match likely secured India's position in the Super 8, but the US is also likely to advance if it manages to beat Ireland on Friday.




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