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The US falls to India in the T20 Cricket World Cup after a historic win over Pakistan, but moves one step closer to history

The US falls to India in the T20 Cricket World Cup after a historic win over Pakistan, but moves one step closer to history


NEW YORK, NEW YORK - JUNE 12: USA's Saurabh Nethralvakar celebrates after dismissing India's Virat Kohli during the ICC Men's T20 Cricket World Cup West Indies & USA 2024 match between USA and India at the Nassau County International Cricket Stadium on June 12, 2024 in New York, New York.  (Photo by Robert Cianflone/Getty Images)

The US cricket team lost to India in the T20 Cricket World Cup on Wednesday, but their dream of progressing is still alive. (Photo by Robert Cianflone/Getty Images)

Team USA lost to India in the T20 Cricket World Cup on Wednesday, five days after posting the biggest win in program history against Pakistan.

The match started quite hopelessly for Team USA, who had only two wickets in the first over. That's almost a catastrophe, and all but guaranteed that the US would lose the game. But continuing to play hard was crucial to maintaining their net run-rate, and that's how tiebreaks are decided in group play. Even though they wouldn't win, Team USA had to keep scoring points (and later defending well) in case they tied.

The US recovered somewhat and managed to score 110 runs (a figure that seemed almost impossible after the first disastrous over), but it was nowhere near enough to provide India with a serious challenge.

With this win, India secured the top spot in the group and qualified for the Super 8 stage. Team USA and Pakistan are now fighting for the final qualifying spot, and things could get messy. The US needs to win Friday's match against Ireland to progress as their net run-rate has now lagged behind Pakistan's. If Pakistan beats Ireland but USA loses, leaving both teams tied at 2–2, Pakistan will advance based on their net run rate. Team USA's NRR fell below that of Pakistan after their loss to India.

Ireland has traditionally been a strong cricketing nation, but things went into a skid during the T20 World Cup. They have lost both matches they have played, including one against Canada, a national team not on par with Ireland. They have no hope of progressing and are on the verge of leaving the World Cup without any wins.

At least that's what Team USA is hoping for. Beating Ireland is the only way they will make history and progress to the Super 8 stage for the first time. If they win, it doesn't matter what Pakistan does because they move on.

The US faces Ireland on Friday at 10:30 am ET.




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