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Big Ten announces 2024 volleyball schedule

Big Ten announces 2024 volleyball schedule


COLLEGE PARK, MD — The Maryland volleyball program has received its 2024 Big Ten schedule, the conference announced in a news release Wednesday.

“With the addition of four West Coast schools, this schedule presents some new challenges that we will have to learn as we go,” said the head coach Adam Hughes. “This year we will be traveling seven out of ten weeks, including our first ever round trip, something I have never seen before. That said, we have always been a program that I am willing to take on challenges and I know this group will be ready to compete.”

The Terrapins open their 20-game conference season at home on September 26 against Northwestern before hosting Iowa on September 28 at the XFINITY Center Pavilion. The Terps will then hit the road for the first time when they face Penn State on October 28. 3, before returning home to face Rutgers.

The Terps next travel for back-to-back road games, making a Midwest swing at Wisconsin on Oct. 11 and at Minnesota on Oct. 12. Maryland then returns home to meet the first of the conference's newest members at USC on Oct. 18. The Terps then hit the road again for a three-game road swing as they travel to Illinois on Oct. 20. Maryland ends its road trip with its first foray to the West Coast as it faces Oregon on Oct. 25. and Washington on October 26.

Maryland begins the month of November with four consecutive home games, welcoming Purdue for the first time on November 1. Next, Maryland hosts Indiana on November 2, followed by a meeting with Michigan State on November 7. Maryland concludes its four-game homestand on Nov. 9 as it welcomes its second new conference member to College Park at UCLA. Maryland makes a quick trip to face Ohio State on Nov. 15 before returning home to face Penn State on Nov. 17.

Maryland concludes the final month of conference play with a trio of road games, first at Michigan on Nov. 21. The Terrapins will remain in the Great Lakes State, where they will take on Michigan State on November 23, before returning to the East Coast for a game against Rutgers on November 29. Maryland ends its conference season at home as it hosts Nebraska on Nov. 30.

Show times and television designations will be announced at a later date.

Maryland caps off its three-straight winning season in 2023, as well as its third straight season, with a win over an AVCA Top 25 team. The program returns top contributors from the 2023 season, such as Samantha Schnitta, Csire himself, Lilly Gunter, Anastasia RusAnd Sydney Dowler. The program also welcomes a strong recruiting class, headlined by a 2022 First Team All-American in Lilly Wagner.

Fans can now purchase a Maryland AthleticsPride Pass for the upcoming track and field season for $85. The Pride Pass is a full Olympic sports subscription that gives the holder access to all events for the following sports: volleyball, women's soccer, men's soccer, men's lacrosse, women's lacrosse, wrestling and baseball . Terrapin Club members can purchase a Pride Pass for $75. To receive this discount offer, click the link here to log in and the discounted price will be displayed.

2024 Big Ten schedule
September 26 – vs. Northwestern
September 28 – vs. Iowa
October 3 – at Penn State
October 5 – vs. Rutgers
October 11 – in Wisconsin
October 12 – in Minnesota
October 18 – vs. USC
October 20 – in Illinois
October 25 – in Oregon
October 26 – in Washington
November 1 – vs. Purdue
November 2 – vs. Indiana
November 7 – vs. Michigan State
November 9 – vs. UCLA
November 15 – at Ohio State
November 17 – vs. Penn State
November 21 – in Michigan
November 23 – in the state of Michigan
November 29 – at Rutgers
November 30 – vs. Nebraska




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