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The audience is dominated by India, but some Americans love it too

The audience is dominated by India, but some Americans love it too


Ali Khan of USA celebrates after dismissing Rishabh Pant of India during the ICC Men's T20 Cricket World Cup West Indies & USA 2024 match between USA and India at the Nassau County International Cricket Stadium on June 12, 2024 in New York, New York.

It was virtually India versus India at the Nassau County International Cricket Stadium in New York as the T20 World Cup favorites qualified for the Super Eight stage with a victory over the United States, a team dominated by immigrants, many of whom come from India.

The stadium was buzzing with blue energy during the match and while the Indian fans dominated the crowd, there were also some American supporters in attendance, many of them of Indian descent and some even wearing jerseys with the names of both teams on them.

Vinay Manhass traveled from North Carolina especially for the match, wearing a hat with the US and Indian flags on it and the American flag in his hand. Manhass told USA TODAY that he has lived in the country for more than 30 years and while part of him supports his home team, he was hoping in today's match that the US would win.

“I'm so happy that cricket has finally made its way to the US,” said Manhass, adding that he sees interest in the sport increasing among his American friends.

Vinay Manhass, a cricket fanatic, traveled from North Carolina especially for the match, wearing a hat with the US and Indian flags on it and the American flag during the India-US match at the Nassau County International Cricket Stadium on June 12 2024.

Several couples were also spotted in the crowd, with one half of the couple wearing the Indian team jersey and the other half wearing a US cricket team jersey.

SeatGeek had earlier told USA TODAY that Wednesday's match is the second “most requested” match at the Nassau County International Cricket Stadium, the first being India versus Pakistan played on Sunday. Wednesday's game also marked the final match at New York's stadium, which will soon be dismantled and the area cleared.

American fans cheer during the ICC Twenty20 World Cup 2024 Group A men's cricket match between USA and India at the Nassau County International Cricket Stadium in East Meadow, New York on June 12, 2024.

India vs. Summary USA

India won the toss and opted to bowl on the pitch which proved to be inconsistent. However, the US cricket team remained unfazed and confident after their back-to-back wins, giving Indian players tough competition and scoring runs.

Despite the US team's best efforts to contain India, including Silicon Valley sensation Saurabh Netravalkar dismissing their top batsmen, captain Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli, the partnership between Suryakumar Yadav and Shivam Dube proved fruitful early in the match for India. managed to triumph over the US

American Saurabh Netravalkar celebrates the dismissal of India's Virat Kohli during the ICC Twenty20 World Cup 2024 men's Group A cricket match between USA and India at the Nassau County International Cricket Stadium in East Meadow, New York on June 12, 2024.

India also managed to sail past the US after the team was given a five-run penalty for going past the 60-second mark to start a new over three times in the innings. This new rule was recently introduced by the ICC.

After the match, Sharma said he was proud of Yadav and Dube for staying calm, building their partnership and carrying the team to the end of the match. He also appreciated his team's bowlers, especially Man of the Match Arshdeep Singh for giving the team a “perfect start” and dismissing the opening batsmen.

American Shadley Van Schalkwyk and Jessy Singh walk past India's Mohd Siraj during the ICC Twenty20 World Cup 2024 men's Group A cricket match between the USA and India at the Nassau County International Cricket Stadium in East Meadow, New York on June 12, 2024.

Vice-captain Aaron Jones, who took over captaincy duties for the match as captain Monank Patel recovers from injury, said he is proud of his bowlers for “making the game close” and that it was “pleasant to see” .

Jones said the team will have a few meetings to prepare and then “go hard against Ireland” in their next match.




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