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ICC T20 World Cup 2024: US cricket team falls to India

ICC T20 World Cup 2024: US cricket team falls to India


NEW YORK — It started with an “lbw” for a “golden duck”, got a little worse before it got a little better, and then ended as widely expected for the United States cricket team, who lost to India in the Twenty20 World Cup.

The Americans started Wednesday's match on a huge high after beating cricket powerhouse Pakistan in their previous match. But India, the highest-ranked team in the tournament, showed its depth and made sure it did not become another upset victim at the Nassau County International Cricket Stadium in Westbury, NY.

India, who advanced to the next round of the competition with the victory, won by seven wickets – meaning they surpassed the Americans' total of 110 runs and still had seven more players who did not have to bat.

The Americans have one more Group A match to play against Ireland on Friday. With a win they could still advance to the next stage, known as the Super 8 for the top eight teams after the first group stage.

Like several other sports, a cricket match starts with a toss. India won that and opted to field first, putting the Americans in to bat.

Arshdeep Singh's very first delivery missed Shayan Jahangir's bat and hit his leg as he stepped in front of the stumps – three wooden sticks sticking out of the ground. In baseball, that scenario would have landed Jahangir at first base. In cricket, it is a nil if the ball knocks the smaller sticks, known as bails, off the stumps if they are not obstructed. It's in the book as an 'lbw', short for 'leg before wicket'.

When a batsman gets out without scoring a run, it is called a 'duck'. If it is the first ball they encounter in a match, it will receive the gold addition.

Moments after Jahangir left the field, the Americans lost another batsman when Andries Gous hit a ball into the air that was collected by Hardik Pandya.

Two outs, or two wickets in cricket parlance, gone so quickly made for a terrible start for a team that has exceeded expectations.

The American recovery came in the second half of their 20 overs (about 120 balls bowled). After scoring just 42 runs in the early part of their batting spell, the American players added 68 runs in the final 10 overs to finish with a respectable 110 runs with eight wickets gone.

Nitish Kumar and Steven Taylor were the highest scorers for the US, with 27 and 24 points respectively. Aaron Jones, the team captain who led the way against Pakistan with 36 points and scored a whopping 94 points in the first match against Canada, scored just 11 on Wednesday.

India also had to overcome an early wobble, with star player Virat Kohli surprisingly dropping out for a “golden duck” on the second ball delivered by the Americans. He tapped the ball backwards and the wicketkeeper, baseball's equivalent of a catcher, made the grab for the first Indian wicket.

A few minutes later, the Americans added the wicket of India captain Rohit Sharma, who had scored just three runs.

That certainly gave the US team a big boost, especially after a respectable total of 110 points, but India has plenty of players who can score points. The team lost only one more wicket before reaching the winning total of 111 to win.

Suryakumar Yadav scored the most runs for India with 50, known as a half-century.

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