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Taub heading to the 2024 WeCOACH NCAA Womens Coaches Academy

Taub heading to the 2024 WeCOACH NCAA Womens Coaches Academy


BETHLEHEM, Pa. – Lehigh athletics assistant coach Allison Taub will participate in the 2024 WeCOACH NCAA Women's Coaches Academy June 16-19 in Denver.

Taub is entering her fifth year as an assistant coach for the Mountain Hawks, primarily overseeing throwing. In her collegiate career, she was a four-year letterwinner and two-year captain for the Monmouth Hawks from 2015-2019. As a Hawk, she won five individual and eight team MAAC championships and was named a two-time MAAC Athlete of the Year. The Holland, Pennsylvania native currently holds the school shot put record and is second all-time in the discus at Monmouth. Taub graduated from Monmouth in 2019 with a bachelor's degree in social work.

The NCAA Women Coaches Academy will have a total of 95 participants representing 25 different sports, including five of the six NCAA Emerging Sports, and from a wide range of institutions including NCAA Divisions I, II and III, NAIA, 3C2A, NJCAA and NWAC.

“The NCAA is proud to once again partner with WeCOACH to host the 2024 NCAA Women Coaches Academy and NCAA Academy 2.0. The NCAA Leadership Development Office serves to educate and empower student-athletes, coaches and athletics administrators through transformative experiences that create strong, effective leaders, cultivate an inclusive community and enhance the college sports landscape,” said DeeDee Merritt, NCAA Managing Director of Leadership Development. “These Female Coach Academies align with our mission and have achieved great results in supporting, promoting and retaining female coaches in collegiate athletics. WeCOACH provides a valuable service in providing support and development to female coaches in the collegiate sports landscape .Collaborative efforts like This can help us expand our reach and increase our impact.”

Founded in 2011, WeCOACH is a unique 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to recruiting, promoting and retaining female coaches across all sports and levels through year-round professional growth and leadership development programs. Before Title IX, more than 90% of women's collegiate sports teams were coached by women. Today, more than 50 years later, data indicates that number has dropped to 46% in Division I, 41% in all three NCAA divisions, with only 6.2% female head coaches of color (Division I). Only 5% of women coach men's teams. The data are difficult to estimate at youth level; approximately less than 20% of teams are coached by women. WeCOACH launched MOVE the NUMBERS in 2022 to help change the landscape for female coaches and the student-athletes they lead. If she can see her, she can be her. For more information visit MOVE the NUMBERS.




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