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Inside USA Crickets Incredibly Improbable, Maximum Joyful World Cup Run

Inside USA Crickets Incredibly Improbable, Maximum Joyful World Cup Run


It's happening very quickly, says Saurabh Netravalkar, the Team USA cricketer with the world-famous LinkedIn profile. I'm still processing what's happening now. The Americans had lost a surprisingly exciting World Cup match against India on Long Island on Wednesday afternoon, a series of words that will also probably take some time to process.

It happens very quickly: Indian superstar Virat Kohli must have thought the same thing after Netravalkar, who moonlights as a cricketer when not working as a software engineer, got Kohli out on the very first ball he faced on Wednesday. It was a miss-it shocker when a man expected to return to his full-time job on Monday defeated the league's all-time leading scorer and one of the most famous athletes in the world. (With 269 million Instagram followers, Kohli is just behind Taylor Swift on the official leaderboard.) Several fans in attendance held up signs calling Kohli a god; someone held up a sign asking Netravalkar for a job reference.

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Netravalkar is the breakout star of the T20 Cricket World Cup, a biennial event co-hosted by the United States and the West Indies this summer. He has quickly become a darling of the Desi diaspora with a story of resilience and brilliance: a decade ago, he gave up his cricket career when he left India for the US, enrolled in a master's program at Cornell and then moved to the Bay Area to to work. at Oracle, where he would eventually climb the ladder to serve as a key member of the company's technical staff.

Then he discovered that the United States had a cricket team. And then he tried it out. And then he made the team. And then America won a bid to co-host the World Cup. And then the untested team, led by Netravalkar, defeated Canada in its first-ever World Cup match. And then it beat Pakistan, one of the world's cricketing powers, and then non-cricket fans started noticing that the United States had a cricket team, and then the story of the software engineer who beat the world's best went viral on multiple continents. And then 30,000 people were crammed into a hastily built temporary stadium on Long Island to watch Netravalkar and Team USA play India, the favorites to win the tournament.

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I expected the crowd to be about 95% India fans and 5% American fans, but that was a foolish assumption based on the logic of every other sporting event I'd ever been to in my life where people were rooting for choose one team or the other. . This was very different: an India-America game attended mainly by Indian-Americans, cheering for the country where they were born and the country where they built their lives. They didn't seem to find much conflict between these two things. At every major event in the game, every flag in the stands waved.




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