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Baseball and cricket film 'Wicked Wickets' sets production date

Baseball and cricket film 'Wicked Wickets' sets production date


Australian director Martin Wilson, known for 'Great White' and 'Pieces', has joined forces with producers Pravesh Sahni (““), Ozz Borges (“A Nanny's World”) and John Fragomeni (“Children of the Corn”) for international sports film 'Wicked Wickets'.

The original story, written by Borges and Jerry Starling (“A Nanny's World”), follows Puerto Rican baseball star Randy Montero as he struggles with fame and personal demons. Through an unexpected turn, he ends up in India, where the worlds of sports, culture and family come together. The film is set in both India and the US and will feature a mix of Latino, Indian and Western cultures. It features a culturally diverse production team, with Indian, Cuban, Korean and Australian influences.

The project was unveiled during the ongoing cricket T20 World Cup, which is taking place in the US and the Caribbean.

Sahni, whose credits also include 'The White Tiger' and 'Shantaram', said, “This film is so much more than sports. It's a universal life story about success, loss and redemption and the characters are complex, endearing, relatable… with global appeal. South Asia loves cricket and India alone has 1.4 billion passionate fans and that is a great starting point for a global audience reception.”

Negotiations are underway for a star-studded cast, with production set to begin in the fourth quarter of 2024.

Wilson said: “'Wicked Wickets' is a thrilling story that reflects India itself, where life moves at its own pace and takes unpredictable paths. It can be exciting and fun. Confrontational and lonely, and then tossing a coin, bustling with vibrant life full of drama and twists. Wickets is funny, heartbreaking, exciting and inspiring all at the same time. At its heart and soul is a rich and satisfying character study that I will infuse with authentic, moving performances that explore broken human foibles with honest sensitivity and humor. This depth of performance will stay with you long after the film is over.

The producers are in talks with several major brands to collaborate on the film. Fragomeni said: “Brands pay millions for a 30-second TV commercial on Super Bowl day. A new era in marketing is emerging, and the brands we talk to love the proposition of being part of a positive, uplifting sports story that crosses cultural boundaries and gets their name out there around the world.”

Borges added: “This film transcends typical entertainment; it is a movement. It will resonate with audiences through our storyline and diversity on screen. With a black Latino protagonist playing baseball, we connect with Western audiences, while the love for the cricket element appeals to the rest of the world, reaching over three billion fans. Huge audience potential for an original indie film, but most importantly, with so much unrest and political strife, this is a much-needed story of hope and redemption. A feel-good movie, that's what the world needs now.”




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