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Stage 31 – Olympic Torch Relay – Surfing Stars at the Olympic Torch Relay in French Polynesia

Stage 31 – Olympic Torch Relay – Surfing Stars at the Olympic Torch Relay in French Polynesia


Illuminate the incredible treasures of French Polynesia

The Olympic torch relay continued its journey to the furthest reaches of the oceans and French Polynesia was the third overseas territory to welcome it. This visit was an opportunity for the Estafette to discover the unique cultural heritage of the region and a variety of landscapes, oscillating between azure lagoons, mysterious caves and steep mountain peaks. The day started with a nod to the surfing competitions at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, with a visit to Teahupoo, on the island of Tahiti. From there, the Olympic Torch was taken northwest to Teva I Uta, where it found its way among the hundreds of species of exotic flowers, plants and trees in the Harrison Smith Botanical Gardens, to Motu Ovini, a peaceful spot by the sea. . The adventure continued in Papara, famous for its black sand beach that stretches for more than ten kilometers, and then in Taiarapu-Est, with its breathtaking landscapes and the turquoise waters of Paea. Further north, Papenoo combines black sand beaches, an incredible surf spot and wild valleys. A trip by pirogue brought the Olympic torch to the Pointe Vnus cape, before visiting the tomb of King Pomare V, the last king of Tahiti. The day ended in Papeete, where the capital's sports grounds and infrastructure were illuminated. The Olympic Torchs' journey through the city started in Pirae, in the Parc Aorai Tini Hau park, which is highly appreciated by families. Then it visited Place Vaiete, located on the seafront and the gardens of Jardins de Paofai, a four-hectare park also on the seafront, and went to the Willy Bambridge sports complex, inaugurated at the end of the 1960s, before completing the day . on the Place de Toata.

More than 120 athletes, local celebrities and members of the general public crossed the archipelago carrying the Olympic Torch

To celebrate this exceptional day, 122 torchbearers took turns carrying the Olympic torch, including several Polynesian athletes, including Christian The Acea para-cycling world champion, as well as a V6 gold medalist and a V12 silver medalist at the Para-vaa world sprint race championships in 2018. Antonin Miannehead coach of French Polynesian riding teams, and Michel Bourez, nicknamed the Spartan, were present in Papeete. Bourez, known as one of the world's most powerful surfers, lit the cauldron at Place de Toata, an entertainment area where many sporting and cultural events take place.
Throughout the day, spectators witnessed a wealth of torchbearers with inspiring profiles, such as Vaimalama Chaves, former Miss Tahiti in 2018 and Miss France in 2019, who loves travel, adventures and music. In Arue, in the northeast of Tahiti, Day of Ananias, a young high school student who suffered from Duchenne muscular dystrophy, carried the Olympic torch. Despite being wheelchair bound, he actively participates in table tennis and swimming, and serves as an inspiring role model for young people with disabilities.
Ravahere Sillousanother Miss Tahiti and an ardent ambassador for Tahitian heritage and culture, was present in Papeete. Rava sachet, which is committed to promoting Polynesian territory, carried the Olympic torch near the celebration location. She is a member of the association that organizes the Tahiti Color Fun Run, an entertaining running event whose proceeds support the projects of local associations. She is also a senior executive responsible for waste management and environmental conservation for the public sector organization in Tahitis, working daily to protect biodiversity.

A symbolic collective relay

This new day of the Ocean Relay was marked by an inspiring image, with a collective relay by members of the Tahitian Surfing Federation. The Federation had arranged for fans of the discipline to meet at Fare Mahora Point from sunrise. On this peninsula in the southeast of Tahiti, just off the coast, is the famous surfing spot Teahupoo, one of the most famous in the world.
Hira Teriinatoofa, who is a real legend in Tahiti and is today coach of the French team, carried the Olympic torch as captain of the collective relay. In addition to him, 23 other torchbearers took part in this memorable moment, including parasurfers Toareia Bordesa regular participant in bodyboarding events on the archipelago, Amy Tauriathe local bodyboarding champion, and Prisca Amaruthe founder of the first surfing school in Moorea.
The Prince and Princess of Teahupoo, Kauli Vaast And Woman Fierrowho will proudly represent France at the Paris 2024 Games, also took pride of place on Thursday, June 13, as did Michael DemontISA Longboard World Champion in 1994, or Karyl commentsa world champion in the vaa discipline, the traditional Tahitian pirogue. Filip Klimathe oldest member of the Tahitian Surfing Federation and world kneeboard champion in the immortal category in 2020, also honored the event with his presence.
This collective relay highlighted the sporting spirit and unity of the local community in the run-up to the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.

On Saturday 15e June, after eight days of sailing aboard the Maxi Banque Popculaire The day starts on this island, which holds a special place in the hearts of the French, at the ACTe monument. You will then pass through Saint-Franois, Saint-Claude, Basse-Terre, Petit-Bourg and the archipelago les des Saintes, before returning to the main island to end the day in Baie-Mahault.
Photo credit: Paris 2024 / Massimo Colombini


View the full stage program at

Program party location:
Open to the public from 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Free entry, limited capacity
6:457:05: Finish of the last runner

All photos and videos of the day can be found on the website Contents Bibliotheque de Paris 2024.
Photo credits are included in the photo metadata.

Image credit: France Tlvisions Paris 2024 / Credit: IOC




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