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Longwood places 191 on the Big South presidential honor roll

Longwood places 191 on the Big South presidential honor roll


CHARLOTTE, NC One hundred and ninety-one Longwood student-athletes have been named to the 2023-24 Big South Conference Presidential Honor Roll, the league announced Thursday.

To be listed on the Presidential Honor Roll, student-athletes must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) or higher for the recently completed academic year, and this past season 2,152 of the 2,909 eligible student athletes deserve the honor.

Longwood finished fifth in the overall competition with 76.71 percent of eligible student-athletes recognized. Radford led all Big South institutions for the second time in three years, with 85.50 percent of the 269 eligible student-athletes on the Presidential Honor Roll – one of three members with at least 80 percent of 3.0 students.

The Big South had a record 273 student-athletes receive Commissioner's Award honors in 2023-2024 for achieving a 4.0 GPA. The number of Gold Award Scholars (3.75-3.99) totaled 604, with an additional 522 receiving Silver Award honors (3.50-3.74) in 2023-2024 for a total of 1,399 student-athletes with at least a 3.50 GPA last year – 65.01 percent of all Presidential Honor Roll members at or above that threshold.

Commissioner's Award (4.0 GPA)

Alex Daniel, Men's Cross Country/Track and Field
Daniel GeorgeMen's Golf
Logan HooperMen's Golf
Valentin BrandisMen's football
Drew MessickMen's football
Lucas MüllerMen's football
Luis ReisMen's tennis
Lauren VickWomen's cross country/track and field
Kiersten WhiteWomen's cross country/track and field
Lauren SimsWomen's golf
Alexandra BurstWomen's lacrosse
Elena FirestoneWomen's lacrosse
Julia KoenigWomen's lacrosse
Ellie RumbaughWomen's lacrosse
Emily Cate SmithWomen's lacrosse
Alex DingerWomen's football
Catherine ForstWomen's football
Emma JonesWomen's football
Mary Levush, Women's Soccer
Claire SchultzWomen's football
Alayna PalamarWomen's football
Avery MillerSoftball

Gold Award (3.75-3.99 GPA)
Dominick D'ErcoleBasketball
Jared GlinskiBasketball
James NelsonBasketball
Andreas PotojeckiBasketball
Jesper GranlundMen's basketball
Szymon ZapalaMen's basketball
Ayden StewartMen's athletics
Connor WilliamsMen's cross country/track and field
Nick RakesMen's Golf
James BolgerMen's football
Tosin AyokunleMen's football
Max HinkeMen's football
Gonzalo CarrascoMen's football
Antonio La GambaMen's football
Ethan LaingMen's football
Anthony Rowland, men's football
Kiki McIntyreWomen's basketball
Nalani SimmonsWomen's basketball
Bailey WilliamsWomen's basketball
Elaina Grogg, women's cross country/track and field
Kai WielerWomen's cross country/track and field
Emma LandisWomen's golf
Lauren Cerratani, women's lacrosse
Kendra DeFilippoWomen's lacrosse
Cheyenne LentzWomen's lacrosse
Bella McCullough, women's lacrosse
Ariana TucciWomen's lacrosse
British MahamWomen's lacrosse
Amanda ArnonWomen's football
Ava DavisWomen's football
Sunny FerrenWomen's football
Karleigh MinsonWomen's football
Grace TaylorWomen's football
Kiersten Yucas, Women's Football
Korynna AndersonSoftball
Naleya BridgesSoftball
Erron BurtonSoftball
Maggie ChapinSoftball
Peyton ColemanSoftball
Kayley DeViviSoftball
Lauren VosSoftball
Maggie HiattSoftball
Lauren TaylorSoftball
Emily VinsonSoftball
Kate WestmillerSoftball
Alexis BroderickWomen's tennis
Mahika GuptaWomen's tennis
Nina HederichWomen's tennis
Kashmir ManoharWomen's tennis
Feline van EijkelenburgWomen's tennis

Silver award (3.50-3.74)
Sean GibbonsBasketball
Blagen pathBasketball
Owen SimmonsBasketball
Jackson WargoBasketball
Trey HicksMen's basketball
Andreas BernhardtMen's cross country/track and field
Cullen CarterMen's cross country/track and field
Thomas Christian, Men's Cross Country/Track and Field
Justin GoodeMen's cross country/track and field
Saad KhanMen's cross country/track and field
Will Hoover, men's golf
Bricklayer ButcherMen's football
Christian Galeano, men's soccer
Paul Espinosa, Men's Football
Sawyer MeehanMen's football
Darcy Moffatt, Men's football
Iago RodriguezMen's football
Ben WilkinsonMen's football
Josh Yoder, men's soccer
Ryan FosterMen's tennis
Timéo Puech, men's tennis
Seva RusinMen's tennis
Janay TurnerWomen's basketball
Carolina Fairbanks, women's cross country
Aislinn GarciaWomen's cross country
Annabelle JenningsWomen's golf
Aine Martin, women's golf
Morgan BadgerWomen's lacrosse
Mikaela CookWomen's lacrosse
Holly HillWomen's lacrosse
Anastasia LajoieWomen's lacrosse
Claire LibbyWomen's lacrosse
This MinjeeWomen's lacrosse
Sophia PassaWomen's lacrosse
Bridget RobinsonWomen's lacrosse
Olivia Stolhman, women's lacrosse
Ellie WalkerWomen's lacrosse
Hailey BaltzelleWomen's football
Victoria DrakeWomen's football
Madison FitzpatrickWomen's football
Julia GillWomen's football
Camille JerniganWomen's football
Sadie KernsWomen's football
Meghan PiazzaWomen's football
Sydney RobertsonWomen's football
Grace Tusant, Women's Football
Kaley UngerWomen's football
Cierra GawrylukSoftball

Bronze Award (3.00-3.49 GPA)

Sam DiLella, baseball
Ried DittnerBasketball
Guillermo Garcia, baseball
Nathan Lucianese, baseball
Corbin McCloudBasketball
Dylan SaaleBasketball
Keondre SheltonBasketball
Tanner ThomasBasketball
Jaylen Bernard, men's basketball
Michael ChristmasMen's basketball
Mateo EsmeraldoMen's basketball
DA HoustonMen's basketball
Zach MurphyMen's basketball
Leo NordbergMen's basketball
Emanuel RichardsMen's basketball
Saxby SunderlandMen's basketball
Elijah TuckerMen's basketball
Clinton ClancyMen's cross country/track and field
Ben Goulet, Men's Cross Country/Athletics
Logan MacklinMen's cross country/track and field
Andreas SchaeferMen's cross country/track and field
Michael Wiley, Men's Cross Country/Track & Field
Scott JordanMen's Golf
David Lafreniere, men's golf
Zane Morre, men's golf
Simao CoelhoMen's football
Victor GouveaMen's football
Kaya YildirimMen's football
Alejandro HernándezMen's tennis
Lorenzo MeschiniMen's tennis
Alejandro UribeMen's tennis
Laney BotWomen's basketball
Malea BrownWomen's basketball
Stephanie DavisWomen's basketball
Otaifo EsenabaluWomen's basketball
I love HarrisWomen's basketball
Frances, Ulises, Women's Basketball
Bailey DeaverWomen's cross country/track and field
Caroline FritzWomen's cross country/track and field
Al FyffeWomen's cross country
Kathryn Oiler, women's cross country
Nicole PinderWomen's cross country/track and field
Rachel SimmonsWomen's cross country/track and field
Haley SlatteryWomen's cross country/track and field
Trinity SmithWomen's athletics
Esther ChoiWomen's golf
Amelia CarlileWomen's lacrosse
Jordan EllersonWomen's lacrosse
Jordan FitzgeraldWomen's lacrosse
Miranda HelfenbeinWomen's lacrosse
Kearston JacksonWomen's lacrosse
Madison KochWomen's lacrosse
Riley McDonaldWomen's lacrosse
Claudia SchilderWomen's lacrosse
Cybella SmithWomen's lacrosse
Riley SowersWomen's lacrosse
Maryanna GuySoftball
Sophia KlopSoftball
Berkley WhittenSoftball
Maria ZepedaSoftball
Wikitoria CzernyWomen's tennis
Phoebe MitchellWomen's tennis




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