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Smith Entertainment Group is officially taking over the NHL franchise

Smith Entertainment Group is officially taking over the NHL franchise


SALT LAKE CITY (June 13, 2024) Today, the National Hockey League (NHL) and Smith Entertainment Group (SEG) officially entered into an agreement that establishes an NHL franchise in Utah. While the community continues to vote on the team's official name, for the 2024-2025 season the team will be known as Utah Hockey Club, proudly leading with the state identity and accompanied by a more formal naming convention adopted by many of the leagues used. other affiliated clubs. The second round of the team's multi-phase voting process on a permanent name runs through June 20. Coinciding with today's launch, the Utah Hockey Club introduced their 2024-25 uniforms, color palette and logos.

Today is a monumental day for the state of Utah as we officially close the creation of a new NHL franchise, said Ryan Smith, Governor of Utah Hockey Club and Chairman of Smith Entertainment Group. It has been great working with the NHL throughout this process, and they have provided us with invaluable guidance and support. We have a lot of work to do. Training camp starts in less than 100 days and we couldn't be more excited about what's to come.

Year one brand identity

In collaboration with a renowned design agency Doubleday & CartwrightUtah's NHL franchise has developed its identity for the 2024-2025 season.

The color palette consists of Rock Blackrepresenting the darkness of night in the mountains and the volcanic rock of the deserts of Utah; Salt White, illustrating both the snow on Utah's peaks and its famous salt flats; And Mountain blue, showcasing Utah's rich winter sports history and clear skies more than 230 days a year. The distinctive colors will form the cornerstone of the club's brand as it evolves during team name selection ahead of the 2025-2026 NHL season. The selected color palette for Utah's first NHL team is also intentionally complementary to that of the Utah Jazz, also owned by SEG, whose expanded colors were introduced last week and include a similar sky blue as a tertiary color.

Utah Hockey Club also introduced five brands, each inspired by the team's 2024-2025 jerseys, serving as a catalyst for the team's visual identity and paving the way for future branding efforts.

Uniforms for the first season

Reflecting their longstanding reverence for the sport, the club will wear two jerseys that embody a clean, fresh, traditional aesthetic during the 2024-2025 NHL season.

The team's home uniform will be Rock Black with UTAH across the chest in stepped letters and featuring Salt White and Mountain Blue stripes down each arm, the bottom of the jersey and on the socks. The team's away kit will be Salt White with UTAH across the chest in the same kick lettering. The away shirt features Rock Black and Mountain Blue stripes. The addition of step letters, two-ply twill, zigzag stitched applications and triple stripes on sleeves and socks complete the image of an emerging club steeped in the traditions of its hockey heritage.

During the 2024 NHL Draft, Utah's first-ever draft selections will don an exclusive, sleek, all-black authentic NHL jersey, adorned with the same UTAH kick logo design that will appear on the teams' 2024-2025 season uniforms.

The team apparel will be available for purchase for the first time in the Team Store in Delta Center during the free-to-attend 2024 NHL Draft Party on June 28. The 2024-25 uniforms will be available for purchase in the fall of 2024.




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