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Tennis great Serena Williams offers Caitlin Clark advice and support: 'They can't do what you do'

Tennis great Serena Williams offers Caitlin Clark advice and support: 'They can't do what you do'


Tennis great Serena Williams is one of the most talented athletes of the 21st century. She won 23 Grand Slam singles titles during her prolific career, which is just one shy of the all-time women's tennis record.

She retired after the 2022 US Open, citing her desire to spend more time with family and focus on other ventures. Her docuseries “In the Arena: Serena Williams” premiered this year at the Tribeca Festival in New York City.

At one point during the festival, the tennis champion was asked if she had any thoughts she wanted to share about fellow female athlete Caitlin Clark.


Serena Williams in California

FILE – Serena Williams arrives at the 54th NAACP Image Awards on February 25, 2023 at the Civic Auditorium in Pasadena, California. (Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP, file)

Williams advised the WNBA rookie to “keep doing what she's doing.”

“I just think it's great that she tried to stay grounded and that she doesn't… look at her social life [media],” Williams shared The Associated Press on the red carpet. 'I get it. Me neither. And I think it's so important to keep doing what she's doing.”


Williams also suggested that some of the negativity against Clark stemmed from jealousy.

“And no matter what other people do, if people are negative, it's because they basically can't do what you're doing,” Williams noted. “And hopefully she keeps doing what she's doing.”

Caitlin Clark dribbles the ball

Caitlin Clark #22 of the Indiana Fever dribbles the ball during the game against the Atlanta Dream on June 13, 2024 at Gainbridge Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana. (Ron Hoskins/NBAE via Getty Images)

Clark's name was seen in numerous sports headlines during the early weeks of her first season in the WNBA.

Much of the conversation about Clark focused on the level of physicality the rookie faced during her first handful of professional basketball games.

“I think everyone is physical against me. They get away with things that other people probably can't get away with,” Clark said on May 28 after the Fever dropped a game on the Los Angeles Sparks.

Caitlin Clark walks across the court

Caitlin Clark #22 of the Indiana Fever looks on during the game against the Connecticut Sun on June 10, 2024 at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Connecticut. (Chris Marion/NBAE via Getty Images)

Earlier this week, Clark learned she would not travel to Paris next month to play with the U.S. national basketball team in the Olympics.

Diana Taurasi, Kahleah Copper, AJa Wilson, Chelsea Gray, Breanna Stewart, Brittney Griner, Alyssa Thomas, Napheesa Collier, Jewell Loyd, Kelsey Plum, Jackie Young and Sabrina Ionescu made up the twelve-woman roster.


Clark leads rookies in several statistical categories. She is averaging 15.6 points and six assists over her first fourteen WNBA games.

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