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Roger Federer says one of his four children takes tennis seriously (Exclusive)

Roger Federer says one of his four children takes tennis seriously (Exclusive)


Roger Federer may be one of the greatest tennis players of all time, but there's one thing he isn't? A pushy sports parent.

“No, I never pushed my kids into it,” he tells PEOPLE about getting his kids involved in the game. Because they come from such active parents, their mother, his wife and former Slovak tennis pro Mirka Federer, are naturally athletic children.

They play tennis, and we ski, and we all learned to golf. We recently tried diving. But the girls were never passionate about tennis, and I was relieved about it, Federer says of twins Charlene and Myla, 15, and twins Leo and Lenny, 10.

The boys love their football. Leo begins to show interest in taking tennis seriously. Lenny is much more creative, he really enjoys drawing and reading.”

Roger Federer at the 2021 French Open.

Tim Clayton/Corbis via Getty

Federer says that while he is not advocating that they take up professional sports, it is fine if they do.

“I jump on the field with them whenever they want,” he says.

In the new Prime Video documentary Federer: Twelve Final Days, roughly the two weeks leading up to his retirement announcement (out June 20), the normally private star opens up his home and gives viewers a glimpse into his family life. He tells PEOPLE he loves how much time he can spend with the kids now that he's retired.

I used to have to sleep in in the morning because of late games. That is very different now, he says. I wake up when the kids do and help them get ready. (He notes that he's not yet the one flipping the pancakes: “I'd like to learn how to cook!”)

Once he leaves school, he often works on his Roger Federer Foundation and partnerships with brands such as Uniqlo, Rolex and On sports shoes.

Then I can reconnect with the children during sports and homework, he says. It is a very important time for me to be near them, to help and guide them and of course to let them fly alone.

Mirka Federer and their children at Wimbledon in 2019.

Tim Clayton/Corbis via Getty

And after so many years of his family traveling for his career, Federer says he wants to make sure his children now get their own time and space.

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They have their friends and need their playdates. We ensure that their social aspect is a given.

Not that the kids minded coming along. Recently they asked if we could go to Wimbledon because they wanted to walk the court, he says. I'm just glad their life on the road was such a good memory.




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