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MSU Men's Hockey Names Captain, Assistant Captains | News, sports, jobs

MSU Men's Hockey Names Captain, Assistant Captains |  News, sports, jobs


It may still be nearly four months before the Minot State University (MSU) men's hockey team has a puck drop in a new season, but the three-time American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) National Champion Beavers are already preparing for the upcoming campaign.

The first step in preparing for next season is determining the team's leadership and MSU head coach Wyatt Waselenchuk is proud to announce that senior forward Jay Buchholz will be the Beavers' captain for the 2024-2025 season, while senior forward Reid Arnold, junior defenseman Logan Rands and junior forward Christian Kadolph will all be assistant captains for Minot State.

“I couldn't be more excited to have this group leading us next season,” MSU's fourth-year head coach said. “These four young men exemplify everything we stand for here at Minot State. They are fantastic in the classroom, both on and off the ice, and they are incredibly well-rounded people. They play hard and do things the right way in every facet. We have a lot of incredible leadership in our locker room and a very experienced team coming back. I know Jay, Reid, Christian and Logan have the respect of all their teammates, and we can't wait for them to continue the tradition and lead us to new heights.”

Buchholz, one of the team's assistant captains last season, played in 91 games over three seasons with the Beavers and was a member of Minot State's ACHA National Championship team in 2022-2023.

“It is an incredible feeling to be named captain and I am so honoured,” said Buchholz. “When I look back over the years and see all the great captains who have led this team and made the Beavers who they are today, I want to follow them.”

Jay Buchholz

Fellow senior, Arnold, also served as an assistant captain last season and has played in 109 games in his three-year Beaver career, including being a member of Minot State's 2022-2023 ACHA National Championship team.

“I am very honored to be assistant captain for another year,” Arnold said. “I look forward to leading these boys to another championship season. I'm really excited to get things going to be able to compete in the Murdoch Cup again. The only goal I have for our group is to win; it will take everyone pulling on the same rope to win another championship.

Also earning one “A” His jersey for the second straight season features Kadolph, who has played in 75 games for the Beavers over two seasons, including being part of Minot State's 2022-2023 ACHA National Championship team.

“It's very honorable to be a captain here at Minot State, but it's not as special as putting the Beaver logo on my chest every day,” said Kadolf. “Whether it's at school, in the community or just on the ice, everyone is a leader in their own way, and that's what makes this group of guys here at Minot State so special. As I continue to grow as a leader, I remind myself of the great responsibility of wearing that emblem. I want to represent not only myself, but my teammates, coaches and our supportive community. I would like to lead by example and take on challenges to help this group of young men move in the right direction. Pushing the team to reach new heights and building team camaraderie on and off the ice will continue to leave a footprint and lasting legacy here at Minot State.”

Rands has been named assistant captain for the first time. Rands is a junior defenseman who has played 58 games in two seasons, including being part of Minot State's 2022-2023 ACHA National Championship team.

Logan Rands

“To be named assistant captain for the Beavers is a tremendous honor for me,” Rands said. “I am very excited to join our experienced leadership group. Being a leader on this team is a responsibility that I do not take lightly. We have a very special group of players in our locker room who are looking for redemption after a disappointing ending at Nationals last season. I am ready to embrace this role as a leader and contribute to the team's success both on and off the ice!”

The Minot State men's hockey team is still finalizing its schedule for the 2024-2025 season, a season that will see the Beavers make their debut in the Midwest College Hockey (MCH) league, which includes McKendree (Ill.), Illinois State, Midland (Neb.), Jamestown, Mary, Northern Illinois and Waldorf (Iowa).

Reid Arnold

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