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Women's hockey player Britta Curl apologizes for the pain caused by social media activity

Women's hockey player Britta Curl apologizes for the pain caused by social media activity


Britta Curl, the ninth overall selection in the 2024 PWHL Draft, has apologized for the hurt caused by her social media activities.

Curl, a center from the University of Wisconsin, was selected by PWHL Minnesota in the second round on Monday night in Saint Paul. Her selection drew boos at the Roy Wilkins Auditorium and criticism online from fans, some of whom threatened to boycott the team.

Curl's social media activities stirred controversy in the weeks leading up to the draft. Her likes on murder of George Floyd.

On Friday night, Curl released a video on X directly addressing PWHL fans and the controversy surrounding her social media activities.

“I specifically acknowledge that my social media activities have caused pain to be felt across all communities, including LGBTQ+ and BIPOC individuals, and I simply want to apologize and take responsibility for that,” Curl said.

She added: I do not, nor have I ever expressed hatred or judgment towards groups or individuals.

The PWHL also released a statement addressed to fans on Friday evening. While the league's statement did not mention Curl or directly address the controversy surrounding her selection in the draft, it did emphasize the importance of being included in the league.

Our commitment remains steadfast: to build an inclusive league that develops, supports and elevates the best female hockey players in the world while fostering a safe and welcoming environment for our growing, diverse and dedicated fan base.

Leading to the design, The Athletics confirmed with all six teams that Curl was not on any non-draft rosters. Curl, the Badgers' captain, scored 62 points in the NCAA last season and represented Team USA at the 2024 Women's World Championship and was expected to be called up early.

Minnesota coach Ken Klee, who was responsible for the team's draft picks after the league and GM Natalie Darwitz parted ways days before the draft, was heavily criticized for the selection. When asked about the decision, Klee said the team tried to pick the best players available.

We've done our homework on her, he said Monday evening. She's clearly a great player. We talked to coaches who said she's a great kid, great competitor, great in the locker room. I spoke to her teammates in the US and some other areas. They said, 'She's a great teammate and coach, you'd love to have her.'

In her statement, Curl added that I have played with countless teammates with different personalities, different religious beliefs, political views, different lifestyles, and we have always been able to maintain mutual respect and love.

I believe my former teammates, coaches and staff would agree that this is the way I carry myself in and out of the locker room. However, I hope to better demonstrate this to PWHL fans and just the general public.

I have learned so much through this, and I see it as an opportunity to grow in humility and grow in love, and my goal in this competition is the same as always: I want to have a positive impact, to be a good leader. I'm a good role model, train hard, play hard and just give my heart to the people around me, the competition and the sport.

For those of you who may still have reservations, I hope you can grant me the grace to prove to you who I really am. I'm so grateful to be here, to be a part of this, and thank you for your open mind, your open heart. I really hope to see you next season.

(Photo courtesy of the PWHL)




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