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Hudl will buy football analysis company StatsBomb

Hudl will buy football analysis company StatsBomb


Sports tech giants Hudl are closing a deal to acquire football analytics company StatsBomb. The Athletics understands.

Hudl is one of the leading performance analytics platforms in football and aims to become a one-stop shop for data, video and analytics services.

The Nebraska-based company acquired video platforms Wyscout and Instat in 2019 and 2022, with the former dominating the video analytics market for more than a decade.

StatsBomb was founded in 2016 by Charlotte Randall and Ted Knutson, who were previously heads of player analysis at Brentford and FC Midtjylland, then owned by Smartodds founder Matthew Benham.

Knutson said last week on

It is believed that the acquisition of StatsBomb was motivated by Hudl's desire to expand their offering to customers. Hudl did not respond when asked for comment The Athletics.

Just as technology company Apple has single sign-on access to sync across multiple products or devices, Hudl offers a similarly diverse range of products to performance analysts to streamline their workflow under one umbrella. The challenge they face is that many performance analysts have built strong relationships with competitors who have built a reputation as leaders in that corner of the market where a multi-product approach is often preferred.

Based in Egypt, StatsBombs' data collection operation is widely considered to have some of the best technology in the industry, but they are limited in their ability to power media products as they do not currently offer their entire data set live.

StatsBomb analysis at their analysis center in Cairo (Photo: StatsBomb)

Positioned as a premium brand, the launch of the StatsBomb 360 product in 2021, which added teammate and opposition locations to the 3,400 events collected per match, saw Liverpool become partners in 2021 and take the company into the mainstream.

Michael Edwards (then Sports Director), Ian Graham (then Director of Research) and William Spearman (then Chief Data Scientist) integrated the product into their scouting and analysis structures and Statsbomb now offers full coverage of over 100 football leagues across the world.

It extends to the National League (fifth tier) in the English pyramid, where around three-quarters of Premier League and Championships teams use the service, as do two-thirds of MLS clubs.

One appeal for Hudl is that StatsBomb offers the opportunity to replicate their platform in other sports.

StatsBomb launched an American football product in June 2022, applying lessons learned from years of experimenting in football to create a college sports database with tens of thousands of players.

While it hasn't grown at the expected pace, their entry into the sport did provide a proof of concept for Hudl, which has more than 200,000 users across more than 40 sports.

Some industry insiders, speaking anonymously to protect relationships, have expressed concern that this latest deal could stifle innovation. Others wonder whether this move will see more top clubs build their own products, having long resisted the costs involved, unlike Brighton and Brentford, who are free to use the existing infrastructure of the gambling companies their owners can integrate.

Brentford and Brighton have both used analytics during their rise to the Premier League (Chloe Knott Danehouse/Getty Images)

Arsenal remain one of the few clubs to have taken this step when they bought analytics company StatDNA in 2012 and incorporated it into their decision-making process.

(Header photo: StatsBomb)




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