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Darren Sammy Cricket Ground, Saint Lucia pitching report – average scores, most runs, highest wicket-takers for matches at the T20 World Cup venue

Darren Sammy Cricket Ground, Saint Lucia pitching report – average scores, most runs, highest wicket-takers for matches at the T20 World Cup venue


The Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium in Gros Islet, Saint Lucia is one of the venues of the ongoing 2024 T20 World Cup, co-hosted by the USA and the West Indies (Caribbean).

The stadium in St Lucia was built in 2002 and is used as the home ground for the national team, the Windward Islands and for the St Lucia franchise in the Caribbean Premier League (CPL).

The stadium is named after legendary West Indies captain Daren Sammy, who led his team to victory in two T20 World Cups, in 2012 and 2016.

The venue has a seating capacity of around 13,000 and will host three group stage matches and three matches in the Super 8 stage of the ongoing T20 World Cup.

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TSNtells you everything you need to know about the T20I records at the Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium in Gros Islet, St Lucia.

How many T20I matches has the Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium hosted?

The Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium in St Lucia played host 18 T20I matches so far. The team batting first has won nine times and the chasing side has also won nine times.

Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium: Pitch Report

The pitch at the Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium is a decent hitting surface with a par score of just over 160. In the final 2023 CPL season, four of the six matches were abandoned due to rain, while the other two matches saw scores of 187 were achieved. and 201 runs in the first innings.

Spinners are expected to play an important role on this wicket, especially during the morning matches at the 2024 T20 World Cup, where slightly drier wickets may be seen, which will help in turning the ball.

On the other hand, the night games will provide a balanced surface for both the pacers and spinners, while the batters should find it easy once they settle down and protect their wicket during the initial overs in the powerplay.

What happened in the last T20I match at the Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium?

The last T20I match at the Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium took place in 2021 when West Indies played Australia on July 16, 2021, which was won by the host team.

Batting first, West Indies posted an above-par total of 199/8 on board, thanks to a quick 79 off just 34 balls from opening batsman Evin Lewis. Among the Australian bowlers, Andrew Tye (3/37), Adam Zampa (2/30) and Mitchell Marsh (2/12 in 2 overs) were the standout bowlers.

Australia faltered in the chase with none of their batters scoring more than 35 runs as they finished on 183/9 in 20 overs. Left-arm pacer Sheldon Cottrell and Andre Russell took three wickets each.


  • WI – 199/8, 20 overs(Evin Lewis 79(34), Nicholas Pooran 31(18), Andrew Tye 3/37)
  • OUT – 183/9, 20 overs(Aaron Finch 34(23), Mitchell Marsh 30(15),Sheldon Cottrell 3/28 and Andre Russell 3/43)

What is the highest score by a team at Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium in T20Is?

West Indieshold the record for the highest team score in this field if they keep it up 199/8on the board against Australia, in the last match at this venue on July 16, 2021.

Evin Lewis top scored with 79 runs off 34 balls while Nicholas Pooran gave the team a late flourish in an 18-ball 30 run innings.

What is the lowest score by a team at Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium in T20Is?

The record for the lowest score on this ground in T20Is is also held by theWest Indies, WHOwere limited to105run on May 11, 2010 against Australia.

The hosts suffered a batting collapse after a Player of the Match performance with the ball from the then young wrist spinner, Steven Smith, who took 3 wickets while conceding just 20 runs in his four overs.

What is the average score at Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium in T20Is?

The average score in the first innings at the stadium is 160.

What is the highest individual score at Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium in T20Is?

Suresh Rainaholds the record for the highest ever individual score in a T20I match at this venue. The Indian left-hander remains the only batsman to score a century in T20Is on this pitch, scoring 101 runs in 85 balls against South Africa in the 2010 T20 World Cup.

What are the best bowling figures at Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium in T20Is?

On this ground, five bowlers are tied at four wickets in an innings. However, Devendra Bishoo has the best bowling figures with 4/17 in his four overs in a T20I against Pakistan on April 21, 2011.

Which batsman has the most runs at Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium in T20Is?

West Indies opening batsman Lendl Simmonsleads the batting charts with most runs in T20Is at this venue, with 230 runs in six innings, including 2 fifties.

He is followed by Australia's current captain at the 2024 T20 World Cup, who has scored 219 runs in 5 innings at a batting average of 43.8.

Which bowler has taken the most wickets at the Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium in T20Is?

West Indian leg-spinner Hayden Walsh Jrhas collected the most number of wickets in T20Is in St Lucia, with 12 scalps in five matches.

The next highest wicket-taker at the venue is Saeed Ajmal with 11 wickets, followed by Mitchell Marsh, Sheldon Cottrell and Mohammad Amir, who have picked up 8 wickets each.

Australia vs Scotland, T20 World Cup 2024: betting odds

According toDafabetAustralia is the favorite to win the match against Scotland.

Team Betting
Australia 1.14
Scotland 5.90




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