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Who is qualified to play tennis at the Paris Olympics? When does it start? Will Novak Djokovic play? What is the format?

Who is qualified to play tennis at the Paris Olympics?  When does it start?  Will Novak Djokovic play?  What is the format?


A total of five gold medals can be won during the tennis event at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.

Among those looking to win gold are Italy's Jannik Sinner, Spain's Carlos Alcaraz, Poland's Iga Swiatek and USA's Coco Gauff.

All-time greats Rafael Nadal (Spain) and Andy Murray (Great Britain) seem ready to play their last Olympic Games.

When does the tennis event start at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games? Who is qualified and playing? What is the schedule? And what is the format?

When is the tennis event at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games?

The Olympic tennis event starts on July 27 and ends on August 4.

It is played on clay at Roland-Garros, home of the French Open.

The tennis event falls two weeks after Wimbledon, which is played on grass, and three weeks before the US Open on hard court.

Who has qualified for tennis in Paris 2024?

The cut-off date for ranking qualification was June 10, the day after the French Open concluded.

The 56 highest-ranked singles players on the ATP and WTA tours as of June 10 have been offered places, with a maximum of four per country.

The official entry lists will not be confirmed by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) until July 4, but several federations have announced their teams.

The new men's world number 1, Jannik Sinner, will represent Italy in singles and men's doubles alongside Lorenzo Musetti. French Open runner-up Jasmine Paolini also plays singles and doubles for Italy.

Nadal is using his protected ranking to play what will likely be his last Olympic Games.

Novak Djokovic's participation in the Games for Serbia is uncertain after he underwent knee surgery after the French Open.

At 37 years old, this is likely Djokovic's last chance at a coveted gold medal.

Holger Rune, Caroline Wozniacki and Clara Tauson have been included in the Denmark team, while Naomi Osaka and Kei Nishikori will represent Japan.

Coco Gauff, Jessica Pegula, Danielle Collins and Madison Keys look to represent the US in women's singles.

World number 1 Iga Swiatek is expected to play for Poland.

Who will represent Great Britain in tennis?

Great Britain has not yet announced its tennis line-up for the Games.

Two-time Olympic singles champion Andy Murray was expected to participate, but his participation was recently questioned.

I'll have to see what happens with the Olympics,” Murray said. “I'm not 100% sure yet what the situation is there with doubles and whether or not I'll play if I just play singles. Don't know.


Fans chant 'let's go Andy' as Murray leaves for the final time after a doubles loss

New British number 1 Jack Draper could make his Olympic debut in singles alongside Cameron Norrie and Dan Evans.

Katie Boulter will be the only British woman in the singles draw unless Emma Raducanu is given a place reserved for former Grand Slam winners.

However, Wozniacki has used one of those spots and the other could be used by Osaka.

Will Russian and Belarusian players compete?

Some individual athletes from Russia and Belarus have been allowed to compete in Paris despite the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Daniil Medvedev, Andrey Rublev, Aryna Sabalenka and Daria Kasatkina could be among the participants from Russia and Belarus.

What is the tennis schedule in Paris 2024?

The draw for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games tennis event will take place on Thursday, July 25 at 10am UK time.

The opening ceremony of the Games is on Friday, July 26, and the first day of the tennis event follows on Saturday, July 27.

The singles finals will be held on the weekend of August 3.

Play starts at 11am UK time each day, with Court Philippe-Chatrier also having a session starting at 6pm UK time from July 27 to August 2.

Paris 2024 Olympic Games tennis schedule

  • Thursday July 25: To draw
  • Saturday July 27: Men's and women's singles first round, men's and women's doubles first round
  • Sunday July 28: Men's and women's singles first round, men's and women's doubles first round
  • Monday July 29: Men's and women's singles second round, men's and women's doubles second round, mixed doubles first round
  • Tuesday July 30: Men's singles second round, women's singles third round, men's doubles quarter-finals, women's doubles second round and quarter-finals, mixed doubles first round
  • Wednesday July 31: Third round men's singles, quarter-finals women's singles, semi-finals men's doubles, quarter-finals women's doubles, quarter-finals mixed doubles
  • Thursday August 1: Men's singles quarter-finals, women's singles semi-finals, women's doubles semi-finals, mixed doubles semi-finals
  • Friday August 2: Men's singles semi-final, women's singles bronze medal match, men's doubles bronze medal match, mixed doubles bronze medal match, mixed doubles final
  • Saturday August 3: Women's singles final, men's singles bronze match, men's doubles final
  • Sunday August 4: Men's singles final, women's doubles bronze match, women's doubles final

What is the Olympic tennis format?

The men's and women's singles are both 64-player draws.

The men's and women's doubles will consist of 32 teams each and the mixed doubles will consist of 16 teams.

All singles matches are best-of-three sets with a seven-point tiebreak in the third set. The doubles matches will also be best-of-three sets, but a match tiebreak will be contested instead of a third set.

Who are the defending Olympic champions?

Belinda Bencic won gold for Switzerland in Tokyo 2021, while Barbora Krejcikova and Katerina Siniakova triumphed for the Czech Republic in the women's doubles.

German Alexander Zverev won the men's singles and Croatians Nikola Mektic and Mate Pavic took gold in the doubles.

The mixed doubles was won by the Russian duo Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova and Andrey Rublev.

discovery+ is the streaming home of the Olympic Games, and the only place you can watch every moment of Paris 2024 this summer.




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