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How hockey led to a radio appearance for Poland Spring pro

How hockey led to a radio appearance for Poland Spring pro


Poland Spring golf pro Mark Malloy isn't a celebrity, but he could become one.

Bill Kennedy, golf columnist Daryn Slover/Sun Journal

Malloy is in his first year as a golf guest for WJJB Radio, which has a PM Jab golf segment on Wednesday afternoons. His wealth of knowledge about golf in New England and the PGA Tour makes him a great asset to presenters Javier Gorriti and Eli Canfield.

Malloy, 59, is an experienced PGA professional and previously served as head professional at Sunday River and Bethel Inn Resort before joining the Poland Spring staff seven years ago. He and head pro John King are old friends. He met King when he was a pro at Riverside, and the two had worked together from 1991 to 1994 at Bethel, where they started the Guaranteed Performance School of Golf, an instructional program.

“We have known each other for more than thirty years,” King said. When I got the job at Poland Spring, I didn't think twice about hiring Mark. There is no one I would rather work with.

If you're wondering how he ended up on the PM Jab, it's because Malloy played hockey in high school, and hockey is Gorriti's first love, who spent part of his glorious hockey years in goal for the University of Maine. They connected while Malloy was at Bethel and have been friends ever since.

The PM Jab golf segment usually airs on Wednesdays around 4:30 PM. It's live, not recorded. And the questions Malloy is asked are not rehearsed.

“I never know what's going to be asked,” Malloy said. He doesn't have much preparation time either, because: Javier gives me a three-minute heads-up.

At Poland Spring, Malloy has several duties: running the pro shop, organizing events and teaching classes. Workdays can start early, like the June 4 Fenn-Ross tournament, which Malloy helped set up starting at 5:30 a.m.

Malloy apparently doesn't mind making the trek from his home in Bethel, where he lives with his wife of 32 years, Susan. They have two children, Samantha and Jack, and two granddaughters, Maeve and Ruby. None of them are golfers, but he remains hopeful his granddaughters will become interested.

* * * * *

Maine Golf will host six qualifying tournaments for the Maine Amateur, taking place July 9-11 at Purpoodock in Cape Elizabeth.

On June 4 in Martindale, 14 players qualified, including nine area golfers. Steve Lycette of Martindale carded a 1-under 70, while Ashley Fifield and Richard Paradis, both of Martindale, had 73s. The rest of the area qualifiers were: Daniel Bouttenet of Poland Spring (74), Kelly Cates of Martindale (75), Mike Brennan of Norway (76), Adam Poulin of Martindale (76), Jonathan Letourneau of Fox Ridge (76) and Chad Allen of Point Sebago (77), who won a play-off for the final spot.

On June 6 at Biddeford-Saco, Martindale's Len Cole shot a 73 to qualify there.

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Point Sebago has three demo days planned: June 16 with TaylorMade, June 23 with Callaway and June 29 with Cobra. Interested players can call the course for times.

* * * * *

Maine Golf has scheduled a women's day of play on June 17 at Belgrade Lakes and for men on June 21 at Bridgton Highlands.

Bill Kennedy, a retired golf writer and editor from New Jersey who now lives on Thompson Lake in Otisfield, is in his twelfth season as the Sun Journal's golf columnist.

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