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FSU Football is ranked in the top 10 in the latest Sports News poll for the season

FSU Football is ranked in the top 10 in the latest Sports News poll for the season


Gearing up for another run in the Atlantic Coast Conference, the Florida State Seminoles have reloaded through recruiting and the NCAA Transfer Portal to replace the talent lost in the 2024 NFL Draft. With additions like Oregon State transfer quarterback DJ Uiagalelei, Alabama running back Roydell Williams, defensive end Marvin Jones Jr. and a plethora of other talented transfers, the odds for an ACC title repeat are in FSU's favor.

READ MORE: Mike Norvell describes FSU Football's DJ Uiagalelei as the 'total package'

The sports news recently released another addition to the preseason top-25, and the Seminoles landed in the top-10 at No. 7.

“The Seminoles were kicked out of the CFP after winning the ACC last season, but that doesn't take away from what coach Mike Norvell has accomplished,” wrote Bill Bender of The Sporting News. “Florida State continued to be busy in the transfer portal with seventeen additions.”

While the addition of talented transfers will be crucial to Florida State's success, the program's recruiting efforts have helped build a foundation for years to come. All-conference edge rusher Patrick Payton should fit in well with Jones, Jr. off the edge, and running back Lawrance Toafili will undoubtedly be an impact player alongside wide receiver Hykeem Williams.

“Quarterback DJ Uiagalelei – a former Clemson quarterback who played at Oregon State last season – has pro potential, but he will have to show it in an offense that added Alabama running back Roydell Williams to the duo with Lawrance Toafili,” Bender continued. Sophomore receiver Hykeem Williams will be a breakout star this year. Edge rusher Patrick Payton and Georgia transfer Marvin Jones will lead an aggressive defense. Florida State led the ACC in scoring offense (34.6) and scoring defense (15. 9) by 2023.”

The only team higher on the list for FSU's regular season is Notre Dame at No. 5. The 'Noles will take on the Fighting Irish late in the season on Nov. 9. Meanwhile, Florida State will face away in-state rival Clemson at home on Oct. 5, which took the No. 14 spot.

With fall camp quickly approaching, preseason predictions are likely to change. Injuries and reports may influence expert opinions, but the outlook for the 'Noles is bright.

READ MORE: ESPN's Greg McElroy Thinks FSU Football Season Opener Could Impact College Football Playoffs

Keep upNole Game Dayfor more Florida State football coverage throughout the offseason.

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