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Two former FSU football stars are among the top three defensemen of the transfer portal era

Two former FSU football stars are among the top three defensemen of the transfer portal era


Head coach Mike Norvell and the Florida State Seminoles have found significant success in the NCAA Transfer Portal. The 2021 transfer rule change, which allowed transfers to occur without serving a year, helped accelerate FSU's return to relevance. The Noles are coming off an undefeated regular season and ACC championship as they sit atop the conference heading into 2024.

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247Sports recently released a list of the top 10 defensemen in the transfer era and it's no surprise that New York Jets' Jermaine Johnson and Los Angeles Rams' Jared Verse landed at No. 2 and No. 3, respectively.

Jared Verse went from First Team All-CAA at Albany in the FCS as a transfer to two-time First Team All-American at Florida State in the FBS. The standout pass rusher totaled 89 tackles, including 29.5 for loss with 18 sacks in two seasons with the Seminoles, and made a major impact during an undefeated 2023 regular season that included an ACC Championship. Florida State won 19 straight games with Verse in the lineup and lost just three times during his two years in Tallahassee. There's a reason why the Los Angeles Rams selected him No. 19 overall in the first round of the 2024 NFL Draft.

Cody Nagel,

While Johnson was not part of the ACC Championship Team, he did help recruit Verse and build a winning culture by attracting top talent to Tallahassee after a monster season. He became a First-Team All-American and was drafted by the New York Jets, where he was drafted No. 26 overall. Johnson was Nagel's No. 2 pick on the list.

Jermaine Johnson II blazed a similar trail at Florida State the year before Jared Verse became a threat. The former JUCO prospect and incoming Georgia transfer was the ACC Defensive Player of the Year in 2021. He recorded 70 total tackles, including 18 for loss with 12 sacks, 12 quarterback hurries, two pass breakups, two forced fumbles and a fumble recovery. one of the most disruptive defensive players in college football that season. The New York Jets selected Johnson in the first round of the 2022 NFL Draft. He did not earn Pro Bowl honors until his second season.

Cody Nagel,

While the success of Johnson and Verse should not be underestimated, defensive players like Keir Thomas and Braden Fiske of the LA Rams, Jarrian Jones of the Jacksonville Jaguars, Jammie Robinson of the Carolina Panthers and Tatum Bethune of the San Francisco 49ers were all transfers who made it to the top have brought. next level under Norvell. According to 247Sports, Florida State currently has the No. 7 transfer class in the country.

READ MORE: FSU Football expected by analyst to be one of the top teams in the college football playoffs

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