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With doubles teams leading the way, Quaker Valley Tennis competes with the top states

With doubles teams leading the way, Quaker Valley Tennis competes with the top states


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Sunday June 16, 2024 | 11:01 am

The Quaker Valley boys tennis team hit the daily double in 2024.

The Quakers had a top season, largely due to the performances of their doubles players.

“In high school PIAA tennis, you only need 60% to win,” QV coach Christi Hays said. 'That wouldn't be a passing grade for any class. But in high school tennis, you only need to win three out of five matches to be successful. And in recent years, Quaker Valley has found a formula that works for us and has led to success – especially this year.

“Thanks to our senior leadership, outstanding doubles teams and a freshman singles player, Quaker Valley – a small public school in Western Pennsylvania – has shown it can compete with the best private school teams in the state.”

QV's top doubles players early in the season were seniors Grant Webb, Will Watson and Brahm Gianiodis and junior Matthew Henry, along with sophomore Tanner Schultz and seniors Matteo Castellini and Jason Clark.

“With the personnel available, we decided that our best chance was to win both doubles (matches) and at least one singles match. More would be gravy,” Hays said. “So we put a big emphasis on putting together some doubles duos that could get the job done.

“I was so happy to see how the boys embraced their roles. They worked so hard to hone their skills, and it paid off.”

QV finished fourth in the state this year as the only public school in the final four of Class 2A.

During the regular season, WPIAL and PIAA playoffs, QV's doubles teams posted an incredible 31-3 record.

“They basically drew it up and handed it over to the singles players,” Hays said.

The Quakers finished second in Section 5-2A with an overall record of 13-5 and went on to place second at the WPIAL team tournament. As the No. 6 seed, QV defeated No. 11 Mt. Pleasant and No. 3 Winchester Thurston 4-1, defeated No. 2 North Catholic 3-2 and then lost a tough 3-2 decision against the top seed. Sewickley Academy.

The Quakers' singles players were seniors Chase Merkel and Joe Veeck at No. 1 and No. 2, while freshmen William Meagher and Castellini shared duties at No. 3.

“We were really solid in singles,” Hays said. “We were hoping Meagher would play a big role. He had played in a lot of USTA tournaments, so he was used to competition.”

The freshman sensation said the Quakers had an excellent season in his first taste of varsity competition.

“Looking back on the season, it couldn't have gone much better, other than maybe winning one more game,” Meagher said. “And especially as a sixth seed at WPIALs, I think it was an impressive run by us.”

The Quakers placed an emphasis on winning a sectional championship in 2024.

“We had wins against Montour, Moon and West Allegheny,” Hays said, “and had our sights set on our matchup with Winchester Thurston for the section title. As a coach I had a certain scenario in mind: win both doubles matches and then hopefully win the third singles match with Meagher, because Merkel and Veeck had tough matches.

“When Meagher went down, I was dealing with the possibility of a loss. Merkel caught fire and came within two points of a victory, but it was not to be.”

That loss to the Bears prompted a team meeting with discussions between QV's veteran coach and her players.

“We agreed to make two changes to our lineup that turned out to be crucial,” Hays said. “We moved Veeck to No. 3 and Meagher to No. 2, which was a better use of their skills. And we put Castellini in first doubles with Webb to give us more experience.”

Veeck and Merkel took part in the section singles tournament; Merkel finished third and secured a spot in the WPIAL playoffs.

The doubles duos of Webb/Castellini and Watson/Gianiodis finished second and third, respectively, in the section, earning a spot in the WPIAL tournament. Webb and Castellini qualified for the PIAA tournament.

QV also won the 2024 MAC invitational with help from junior varsity players Bennett Haas and Leo Jobbins, who won a 7-5 decision after trailing 5-2.

“That was the point that won MAC's for us,” Hays said.

Merkel earned a silver medal at No. 2 in singles. Webb/Castellini at first doubles and Watson/Haas at second doubles took home gold and silver medals.

“As we prepare for the 2024 season, it is imperative to mention last year – especially our final game in 2023,” Hays said. “We have always seen last season as a dress rehearsal for this year. Due to graduation, we had replaced almost the entire starting lineup.”

And it was a kind of dry run strung together by the Quakers.

QV won a sectional title in 2023, took third place at the MAC Invitational, posted an 11-1 record and finished in the top eight at WPIALs.

But a 3-2 loss to Chartiers Valley cost the team a trip to Hershey for the first time in years.

“We got used to going,” Hays said. “We missed states by one game. I was happy with how hard the boys took the loss. They were devastated, which showed that they really cared.

“I hoped they would remember that feeling going into the next season. They did, and it was one of the driving forces in 2024: moving back to Hershey.

QV squeaked past District 5 winner Bedford 3-2 in the first round of the PIAA tournament at The Summit in Altoona.

“I think this has woken up the team,” Hays said. “It kind of looked like it was going to end right there in Altoona. But then again, guess who came by? The doubles teams and William Meagher.'

The Quakers faced District 3 runner-up Conrad Weister in the quarterfinals at the Hershey Racquet Club.

“I get nervous thinking about it, even though I know the outcome,” Hays said.

Both doubles tandems won convincingly for QV to defeat Meagher, also known as Mr. Clutch, to put on.

Meagher lost the first set; that only built the stage for his dramatic 7-5, 6-4 finish.

“What a truly remarkable learning curve it has been for Meagher (in 2024),” Hays said. “From some really disappointing losses early in the season to his role as a veteran player, he was able to come through when the team needed him most. That was a different concept for him, playing for a team and not just for himself.”

The Quakers' season ended with a 3-0 loss to District 10 champion Cathedral Prep in the PIAA semifinals.

“What an exciting trip to Hershey it was,” Hays said. “We could finally put that loss in 2023 behind us. This year I was looking forward to seeing all the boys at practice and riding on the bus with them. I was proud to introduce them at every game and proud to watch them play.

“Not only are they nice players, this group also has excellent etiquette and good sportsmanship. Opposing coaches and players often said how nice our players were. And that means everything to me.”

Meagher will be one of three returning starters on next year's team along with Henry and Schultz.

“This was a very successful season and a great way for the varsity seniors to go out,” Meagher said. “Next year will certainly be a challenge due to the loss of almost the entire team.

“But I have no doubt that we can still have a good season with our incoming freshmen and JV players.”

Keywords: Quaker Valley




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